appreciating .. a very short ... Event Organized by me at the Castle Aldobrandeschis Colacchioni in Capalbio "WORKS WORKS &" From July 6 to 12 pv Works for up to 12 with Artist Catalogs and Services ... on my page read earlier in 2013, I would like to expose your ... Works like a cordial greeting and good wishes ...
Hello, look this initiative to help grow and spread free art for everyone
Workshop online
to realize a group work / exhibition
from September 1 to November 29, 2013
The Review of Contemporary Art "Gesto Segno Disegno" at the 9th day of Contemporary Art organized by AMACI (Association of Museums d 'Arte Contemporanea Italian) is building a online workshops with the purpose of creating a work of art company, which later became a traveling group show.
By filling in a form anyone interested will be able to modify the work starting with the title "Sainte Chapelle".
Thank you very much for accepting my friendship request - cordially welcome to my circle of friends. Congratulations to your artworks!
Have a nice weekend and a Great and Happy New Year!
The selection for participating at -THE HUMAN FACTORY- collective exhibition is open; it will be from 15th January to 26th January 2013.
-The human factory- tries to investigate about trasformation of the human identity during the last century and projected to very near future worlds; the artists who join to the announcement of contest for this collective exhibition will have the possibility to express the subject through the arts with medium, themes and personal visions, to stop and reflect themselves in this inhuman reality bynow.
For receiving the participation form send an email to:
Commenti 31
Lo Spazio Priuli Bon è a disposizione per le tue esigenze espositive
: )
Workshop online
to realize a group work / exhibition
from September 1 to November 29, 2013
The Review of Contemporary Art "Gesto Segno Disegno" at the 9th day of Contemporary Art organized by AMACI (Association of Museums d 'Arte Contemporanea Italian) is building a online workshops with the purpose of creating a work of art company, which later became a traveling group show.
By filling in a form anyone interested will be able to modify the work starting with the title "Sainte Chapelle".
Have a nice weekend and a Great and Happy New Year!
-The human factory- tries to investigate about trasformation of the human identity during the last century and projected to very near future worlds; the artists who join to the announcement of contest for this collective exhibition will have the possibility to express the subject through the arts with medium, themes and personal visions, to stop and reflect themselves in this inhuman reality bynow.
For receiving the participation form send an email to:
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