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Commenti 18

RELLA Maria Pia = SpaziOfficina
10 anni fa
appreciating .. a very short-Event Organized by me at the Castle Aldobrandeschis Colacchioni in Capalbio "WORKS WORKS &" From July 6 to 12 pv Works for up to 12 with Artist Catalogs and Services ... on my page see also the earlier of 2013, I would like to expose your ... Works like a cordial greeting
Emiliano  Capotorto
12 anni fa
Many thanks for your friendship. Cheers.
silvia canton
12 anni fa
silvia canton Artista
your work is very very nice!
Silvio Zangarini
13 anni fa
Thanks for your frienship, hope to meet you one day.

rajesh kargutkar
13 anni fa
thank you Yuma
hope to see on Facebook too
Hans Hushan
15 anni fa
Hans Hushan Artista
Yuma has got style. There is a HOLY thing about the figures. Its all in the painting. Reminding middle age ICONS.
Beatrice Tudisco
15 anni fa
Hi Yuma, thanks! Good job, I really like your vanishing figures!
basilio losiggio
15 anni fa
Ciao grazie Yuma.
Gianguido Oggeri Breda
15 anni fa
great works! fantastic
Isobel Blank
15 anni fa
Isobel Blank Artista
Beautiful work


Roberto Pinetti
15 anni fa
Roberto Pinetti Artista
Ciao Yuma..
giuseppe zollo
15 anni fa
giuseppe zollo Artista
welcome in my colours...thanks...
giulio baistrocchi
15 anni fa
truly in love with your work
Alice Zanin
15 anni fa
Alice Zanin Artista
your works are really beautiful, and for what concerns the impact they should have on the viewer I think you have completely reached your aim...
giulio baistrocchi
15 anni fa
increbible works
Silvia Casilli
15 anni fa
Silvia Casilli Artista
I particularly like your work where unsubstantial is made perceivable.
Eleonore Pironneau
15 anni fa
Your work is very beautiful and carry the sense of spirituality that you talk about in your statement, with its luminous fantomatic portraits. I do prefer though the "portraits" where any trace of the realistic figure has disappeared. It makes it to my view even more powerful.
Isovni Contemporary Visions
15 anni fa
I like your works very much!!!
Best wishes.

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