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Commenti 200

Gianpaolo Marchesi
9 anni fa
Grazie infinite!
angela valentini
9 anni fa
Grazie mille !!!
Giovanni Longo
11 anni fa
Giovanni Longo Artista
Thank you Takis.. ;)
Angela Seager
11 anni fa
Angela Seager Fotografo
La ringrazio molto per Takis accettato la mia richiesta di amicizia. Complimenti alla vostra opera d'arte. Cordiali saluti Angela
Anna Di Leo
11 anni fa
Anna Di Leo Artista
Thank you, Takis. Tank you for your kind words, for your appreciation and for your preference.
Paul Brotherton
11 anni fa
Paul Brotherton Grafico, Pittore
Hi Takis.... and thanks for your friendship....
thank you also for the selection and comment;
I like your art, best regards!
Tanya Bartolini
11 anni fa
ciao e grazie mille per la tua amicizia e benvenuto tra i miei amici e tantissimi complimenti per le tue opere ...tanya
Sinéad Duggan
11 anni fa
Sinéad Duggan Artista
Thank you Takis,very nice works,I will check out AthensArt for sure,best regards,Sinéad
 Anna Scopece
11 anni fa
Grazie Altek!!! molto molto gentile!
 Anna Scopece
11 anni fa
Ciao Alexandros!!!
Tanya Bartolini
12 anni fa
thank you wery much ...
12 anni fa
Clavi Artista
Takis, ben venuto fra i miei amici!!!!
Grazie per la tua richiesta e l'invito,sono molto onorata...
A presto mio caro amico!
12 anni fa
Adi Artista
thank you for your comment Takis
Go Dzya
12 anni fa
Go Dzya Artista
Dear Tasik,thank you so much,and I am very glad to join in AthensArt.
Gianpaolo Marchesi
12 anni fa
Ciao. Grazie per l'amicizia e complimenti per la tua produzione artistica. Grazie del commento alla mia opera "Neve sulla Pietra".
B. R. (Interforma)
12 anni fa
B. R. (Interforma) Live Media artist, Organizzatore
Thanks for exhibition invite, Taxis!
Rudolf Lichtenegger
12 anni fa
Thank you for your friendship and for your kind comment. Compliments to your artworks!
Waldemar Dabrowski
13 anni fa
Thanks for visiting and comment. I am very pleased and appreciate it...!:)
All the best,
carla battaglia
13 anni fa
carla battaglia Artista
Thanks for your FINE comments !!!
Valentina Berna Berionni
13 anni fa
Thanks for the comment ..:-)
Luky Red
13 anni fa
Luky Red Artista
sei una persona ed un'artista speciale le tue parole sono una carica positiva indimenticabile che risuona nel mio cuore
graziella lucchin
13 anni fa
... ciao dolce uomo baffuto... grazie....
13 anni fa
sasi Artista
Thank you very much for your friendship acceptance. Its my pleasure to be your friend.

I would like to invite to see some of my work of Art in the following link and give your valuable comment to me.

With kind regards

Sandra D'Angelo
14 anni fa
Sandra D'Angelo Artista
my dearest friend
I whish you a great evening!
hope to see you very soon!
sandra :-)
Luisa Vailati
14 anni fa
Luisa Vailati Artista
Ciao Taxis thanks for exhibition invite!
Ciao ciao!! Lu
Helga Kalversberg
14 anni fa
Hi Takis, how are you.
Best regards.
jaya  suberg
14 anni fa
jaya suberg Artista
dear takis, i was happy to receive your nice mail and the good feedback for my work...yes, i would like to participate
Dahlia Refaat
15 anni fa
Dahlia Refaat Artista
yes i would love to participate in that exhibition in Athens
Sandra D'Angelo
15 anni fa
Sandra D'Angelo Artista
Hi Alex! I look forward to come and exhibit in Athens, keep in touch for all details
sandra d angelo
niaz nooraei
15 anni fa
niaz nooraei Artista
Hi dear TAKIS everything is allright?
andrea  sampaolo
15 anni fa
andrea sampaolo Artista
A hug ANDREA ..
ester sposato
15 anni fa
ester sposato Artista
Dear Takis, Thank for the invitation. Please send me aswell some more info about the exposition, sound very interesting and if I can, I would like to partecipate,


M a r i a
15 anni fa
M a r i a Artista
Oh Dear Takis!! I've just read your words and the documents you send me and I enjoy every word you wrote there...That's the approach we are talking about!! Not only towards art, but to one another. First of all, we have to get closer with respect. We cannot connect without love, and love always means respect...
I've been so busy this days and I realize tomorrow is the last day for submit the application! I hope I can, but if not, I wish you all of you the best, I know the event is going to be amazing and you'll have the best time in Athens!!! A big kiss for you and all the great people behind this wonderful idea...
Maria Luisa Caputo
15 anni fa
Hi Takis !I just read your message.
Thank you for your invitation....Im interested. Please,can you send me details.
saluti da Roma!
maria luisa
gonny geurts
15 anni fa
gonny geurts Art lover
Hello Takis, I would like to send some pictures. Will you send me more information about the exhibition in Athens?
Gonny Geurts
andrea  sampaolo
15 anni fa
andrea sampaolo Artista
Thank you for inviting me ..
ARE INTERESTED THE International Group Exhibition late next year (2010) in Athens.
Greetings from a sunny ROMA ..

Bruno Greco
15 anni fa
Bruno Greco Artista
Dear Takis,
I received yesterday your invitation and my answer is
"Why not ?".
So, please, send me futher details for the definitive decision.
Best regards

Bruno Greco

Natale Alessandro Oggionni (Nacho)
15 anni fa
Thanks a lot for your invitation. I'd like glad to partecipate, please send me detatils
Selma Fattinnanzi
15 anni fa
Selma Fattinnanzi Artista, Fotografo
grzaie mille, ho appena ricevuto la tua proposta e si sono molto interessata spero che potrai darmi qualche precisione in più, mi tengo a tua disposizione
niaz nooraei
15 anni fa
niaz nooraei Artista
thanks for your warm invitation.I'm really interested in participating in that exhibition.but please give me more information & would you please keep in touch?
best regards
Maria Pia Gatti
15 anni fa
Maria Pia Gatti Artista
grazie per aver preferito la mia "rosa d'autunno". Auguri per il suo lavoro.
Rosario  Aiera
15 anni fa
Rosario Aiera Artista
Caro Takis, ho rievuto la tua mail, la tua proposta è molto interessante, ho apprezzato il tuo commento sull'opera di Stefano Cruano mio caro Amico e concittadino, è davvero un grande!, mi piace la tua positività e il tuo invito a credere che "l'arte può cambiare il mondo", lo condivido. Sono interessato a fare parte del tuo progetto, ti invierò i miei dati al più presto. se puoi nel frattempo inviami informazioni più dettagliate a riguardo. Grazie!
silvia vagnoni
15 anni fa
silvia vagnoni Artista
molte grazie per l'invito !
. ana picasso .
15 anni fa
. ana picasso . Artista
we are butterflies ... or
let´s do it!
thank YOU for the spirit!
elena candoli
15 anni fa
elena candoli Artista
Hi Takis, tank you for your invitation and excuse me for the delay of my answer.
Yes, Id be interested in taking part in that exibition. Can you send me details? Musi I write mail to the address Thank you, Elena
Diana Höding
15 anni fa
Diana Höding Artista
Correcting the mistakes in typing, excuse me!
Dear Takis,
the discussion at the last few days shows me again, that Friendship and Love are the most valued assets next to the human dignity and we have to deal with Friendship and Love very carefully and in a well-considered way. They should not be simply deleted.
Sending Love
Hemma Furuya
15 anni fa
Hemma Furuya Artista
Dear Takis Alexiou,
Thank you also for the invitation and yes i would like to know more about this big exhibition for vision.
Hemma Furuya
Massimo Barberio
15 anni fa
ola takis!
15 anni fa
geia soy Taki!
isos exoume gnoristei prin arketa xronia.
eisai filos me ton Giorgo Skour..?theatriko sigrafea?
an nai tote sigoura exoyme kanei ligo parrea stin Athina.
Tita Bonatsou
Amy Galloway
15 anni fa
Amy Galloway Artista
Hi, thanks so much for the invitation. I am very interested to know more. Can you send me details please, Amy
Diana Höding
15 anni fa
Diana Höding Artista
Dear friends,
thank you for the discussion, that finally returns to an amicable communication.
To my mind, we are able to bring forward arguments , good and bad, for and against everything in our life, as Manousos Nanakis, Ciaran Magill and others wrote.
How quickly and simply we may communicate with friends and colleagues all over the world, like here in Celeste, but how quickly and simply all the dangerous ideas and ideologies disserminate in the internet.
How quickly and efficiently the internet helps us or our children to learn. But what happens if a boy in the age of 12 has been addicted to computer games.
Most of our children are not able to see the red light. Therefore we all and especially we artists are responsible to give the new technologies a chance helping to solve all the immense problems in the world and make a “better place”. And also will help us even the small things, when we share them with Honesty, Friendship and Love with the others, a SMILE for example…
Allways with love Takis,
heartly your Diana.
15 anni fa
We have been, all of us, through some difficult moments the last few days… This is what moods are all about… FEELINGS that we can really share one another, were missing… Most of all, my dear Friend Brendan, a real HUG (with no misunderstandings!!!) to share with you… A real HUG that even a thousand honest written hugs can never replace…
There are so many shadows in this world, please don’t add yours too… You are a very promising young Man and Artist… So if you wish my Friendship, let me see your SMILING Face again… Yours Takis
15 anni fa
Dear Gertie,
Thank you very much for your interest in the subject and the suggested bibliography. I already knew most of the books. For the rest I'll have a close look. Thank you once more.
15 anni fa
Nice to hear from you… Unfortunately for all of us, “socialism” was a premature miss birth and “capitalism” is a dying old (wo)man… This seems to be our time, what can we do?
As you may noticed I studied in the Technical University of Dresden, during the years of DDR (East Germany), during the years of “socialism” and I know very well, besides the good side of it, what you mean when you are talking about Restriction and “Isolation”… 1967 I was to be deported to Siberia, for not keeping my mouth shut… But Life is beautiful even with small things, when you share them with Honesty and Love with the others, a SMILE for example…
15 anni fa
Natalia Mramorova said:
"Hello! I wish to show some reasons on this question.... We artists all very different in character, temperament, on aesthetic predilections..... As to me personally..... I, which all am 24 hours in the workshop and is very frequent unique my interlocutors my works, pictures when I enter into the Internet are, I open for myself very many... I rejoice to it! For example, in селесте has opened many good artists, they are interesting to me.Вы know that we, Russian, long time were in isolation from other world, I with surprise notice that Russian art has played the big role in the general tendency of development of world art.... I observe echoes of Russian design of 20th years of the XX-th century, V.Kandinsky's influence in some works, Walked, Malevich and many other things.... In other words, thus we are gradually integrated into your Western world, and you comprehend ours. ... In it, at least for me, the Internet positive side.... I apologise for my English.... With love... Natalia"
Ciaran Magill
15 anni fa
Ciaran Magill Artista
Dorothy is right, we can easily argue either side of this debate but I lean more towards the views of Brendan and Yagama.

We can interpret a positive or a negative into all aspects of technology, both from an historical perspective and a also contemporary standpoint. It is both good and bad, but we should not live in fear of it, let us concentrate on the positive aspects and build upon these to help make the world a better place for all.
15 anni fa
15 anni fa
As I already said, there is no Dialogue in private! Dialogue can take place only in public…
Brendan Jamison said again:
"Dear Takis,
Thank you for your response. You seem to have made some false assumptions in youri nterpretation of my response and therefore I must apologise for not making my points crystal clear to you. Therefore I
feel I need to reiterate some issues and will do so as I address your points.
1. I draw upon your quote: " my real world, a world with flesh and
bones, a world with feelings and thoughts, a world of smelling real
flowers, a world with endless nights looking at the moon and the stars
from a roof, eating, drinking and talking with real Friends about the
mysteries of Life, seems to be unknown to you…" Unknown to me? What a
false assumption! This is my world too, I may be younger than you at
30 years of age but I still enjoy the poetic and romantic vision that you have just outlined. I regularly discuss the mysteries of life and
death with all my friends over lunch and dinner, from the ancient philosophers of Socrates and Plato, the Sufi mysticism, the Eastern
perspectives of Buddhism and Hinduism and also the current trends in global politics. I simply stated that the internet is a good tool for communication and yet you seem determined to polarise this argument,
offering not a balanced perspective but rather one of extreme negativity and even hosility towards the internet.
Might I remind you that I clearly stated that " I think we would all agree that the friendships and fabricated worlds that exist exclusively in cyberspace can never replace the physical and
metaphysical dimensions of our existence within a real world of interaction and unconditional love." Therefore how did you assume from this statement that I favoured a virtual world over the real world?
Your response is quite baffling. I think my thoughts are very clear on
this issue. I love the real world, I would never trade it for a world
of cyberspace.
2. I think when an individual is so entrenched in their own views they can fail to see anything but the negative and this can blind them. I
too have taught University students, both in America and Ireland and always encouraged them to form a balanced argument,weighing up both the positive and the negative before presenting a conclusion.
I completely agree with you that the creation of weapons of war have been devastating on a global scale and yes I am completely aware that
this agenda has pushed forward technological advancements. However,
technological advancements in the fields of medicine and in particular operating procedures have been hugely beneficial. Many more lives are now saved or the quality of lives are improved thanks to advancements in technology in this field. My own Mother recently had to get a metal knee implanted to enable her to walk, this surgery would not have been possible 100 years ago. Therefore I praise this aspect of technology on the one hand and naturally condemn the destructive nature of it on the other.
Finally, to offer another more positive perspective I would like to quote a recent headline from the German newspaper Deutsche Welle on 23 September 2009:
"British Prime Minister Gordon Brown says his government is willing to
cut the number of nuclear submarines to support US President Barack Obama's nuclear disarmament initiative".
Now I know you will probably still read a negative interpretion into
this and so I will just state now for the record that ideally I would like an end to all nuclear weapons and all other destructive technologies but one day at a time, step by is still progress in the right direction...the intentions of these particular leaders does seem to be good.
3. Of course I have been affected by the current financial crisis and
currently have no income at the moment but I live in hope that things
will improve again soon and some economies are beginning to stengthen
a little. However, the one good element that came out of this crisis is that it brought the world leaders a lot closer together to try to solve this crisis as one. But obviously this sense of working together needs to be extended to solving all of the world's problems and
interestingly CNN recently reported that President Obama stated at an address to the United Nations earlier this week that:
"Now is the time for all of us to take our share of responsibility for a global response to global challenges," he said. "If we are honest with ourselves, we need to admit that we are not living up to that
Obama cited issues such as terrorism, long-running conflicts, nuclear
proliferation, climate change, poverty and pandemic disease, then
added: "The magnitude of our challenges has yet to be met by the measure of our action."
I think Barack Obama is a wonderful leader for America and I love his
intentions to make the world a better place. He brings much hope and
optimism in a time when the world is crying out for it.
Perhaps Taxis you should consider entering the political arena as you
may not be able to change peoples' minds through the art world alone?
4. With regard to your statement on OFFENSIVE COMMENTS where you argued: "Since when polite questions and dialogue are abusive,offensive and negative???"
Might I remind you of what I actually stated about why computer programmers put the delete function on, "this can enable the user to remove offensive comments or abuses that another user may produce. Now thankfully ON CELESTE THIS TYPE OF BEHAVIOR DOES NOT SEEM TO OCCUR but
abusive offensive negative communication can and does occur on OTHER SITES and therefore I think it is a good idea to enable the deletion of such material. This is not an opposing view to democracy, it is
simply not helpful to leave something deeply offensive on the web that
could cause pain and suffering to another human being."
Now obviously you have failed to grasp this point and therefore I have to be more explicit for you to understand. Artists can sometimes get sexually abusive messages on their personal websites, and the tone is far from the idealised 'polite' position that not everyone adopts. A broader understanding of the internet would reveal this to you.
A close and very dear friend of mine in Ireland, Emma, also on Celeste, had to delete her entire comments page on her own personal website because of the negative actions and deeply offensive sexual
harrassment of a few people that spoiled it for all those leaving as you describe 'polite'comments. This is just one example but I hope it makes my point more clear. However, the overwhelming majority of internet users are very good people and completely non-offensive. Only a very small percentage can spoil it for the rest of us. But let us not dwell on that.
Actually I should also note that terrorists also use the internet to spread fear and panic, if you had the power to delete such sites would you do so? Or would you remain in the position of an idealised
democracy of complete free speech, irrespective of the consequences?
Where do you draw the line Taxis?
I stand by my belief that the delete function is neccesary. We need to
delete as much evil and negativity from this world so as to leave a more positive planet for the future generations. I hope by the time I reach your age that the world will be a more peaceful and happier
place and I will do everything in my power, in the little ways that I
can to help achieve this goal.
5. Takis in your response you have stated: "FEAR OF DIGITAL AGE: Do we have any knowledge of how many people have been killed, how many villages and cities have been totally burnt out during the last twenty (20) years of this glorious digital era???"
Gosh this is so negative, it is actually beginning to drain me. Have you read "The Art of Happiness" by HH Dalai Lama and the American
psychiatrist Howard C Cutler? It certainly helped me shift my
perspective into a more hopeful positive frame of mind that could be benefit to others.
Ok, firstly, I did not describe the digital era as "glorious" and do not label it as such, it is simply a term for where we are currently located at our point in human development.
Secondly, with great sadness, human beings have engaged in conflict for 1000s of years. This digital era can not be blamed for all the conflict in this world, such a claim would be hard to ground in any solid argument.
6. Finally I am intrigued by your statement "and of course with real Facts and not groundless interpretations and words without any meaning!"
Are you suggesting my words have no meaning? All viewpoints are equally valid, although we differ on some points I still respect your views and would request that you grant me that same honour.
May we all make the world a happier place, in whatever way that we little bit at a time, step by step....
Sending smiles,
enzo briscese
15 anni fa
enzo briscese Artista
Dear Mr Takis Alexiou,
I am Enzo Briscese, painter, gallery owner and events organizer, very interested in a cultural exchange: I would like to know more about the artistic reality in which you are acting in order to have the possibility of an eventual
future cooperation.
Therefore I would like to know if you can provide catalogues, advertising magazines, and which is your proposal, furthermore I would like to get the costs and all other details, and if it is necessary to get part at your events too.

I have read your message about exhibition event at end of the next year and I would ask you to send me more information.

I thank you in advance for your reply and I confirm you here below my address:
Galleria Ariele
Via Lauro Rossi 9C
Kind regards
Enzo Briscese
enzo briscese
15 anni fa
enzo briscese Artista
Caro Takis, ti abbiamo scritto un messaggio e non sappiamo se ti è arrivato:
puoi farcelo sapere?
ti ringraziamo, un cordiale saluto
15 anni fa
Elena Bolgova said:
"As to "Just by push......", even without deep deliberation on the topic I can say what I see in real life(as far as already people talking about virtual life.
My friends who were carried away with all sorts of computer & internet entertainments, they have changed considerably over the last 10 years.
They have lost skill of real here & now communication with alive people.
A mere conversation at cup of coffee became a torture. They don't look at your eyes, don't hear you, speak absurdity.
It's sad and scaring."
15 anni fa
andrè Artista
thank you for your message, I'm very interested to this event, and I hope to receive more informations and details. Andrè
15 anni fa

Thank you Brendan, Yagama and Dorothy for giving me the opportunity to start a Dialogue… But, as you know, there is no Dialogue in private! Dialogue can take place only in public, in “Agora”… and of course with real Facts and not groundless interpretations and words without any meaning!
I well understand that what I wrote, shacked the virtual world of your “computer age”… I also well understand that someone has to defend it by all means… Unfortunately my real world, a world with flesh and bones, a world with feelings and thoughts, a world of smelling real flowers, a world with endless nights looking at the moon and the stars from a roof, eating, drinking and talking with real Friends about the mysteries of Life, seems to be unknown to you…
INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION: Catastrophic!!! Have you heard the name of the “great” architect “Le Corbusier” an admirer of the industrial revolution, of Mussolini and Hitler??? Have you been affected by the recent crisis as many people have, among them real Artists too???
INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT: Do you know that all these “machines” we use today, have been primarily developed for military reasons only, for conquering one another and not living side by side???
COMPUTER COMMUNICATION: Are you familiar with the psychological term… “Computer Anxiety”???
OFFENSIVE COMMENTS: Since when polite questions and dialogue are abusive, offensive and negative???
DEMOCRACY: It’s totally absent, when a different view, within the bounds of a polite Dialogue, is missing!
E-PUPPETS: I suggest, among many others, the excellent book about “Blindness” of the Nobel prize winner Jose Saramago.
FEAR OF DIGITAL AGE: Do we have any knowledge of how many people have been killed, how many villages and cities have been totally burnt out during the last twenty (20) years of this glorious digital era???
FREEWILL: In this issue I propose the extraordinary work of the well-known American Sociology Professor Immanuel Wallerstein, “Utopistics: Or historical choices of the 21st Century”.
WE ARE WISE: What kind of wise people totally pollute and totally destroy a whole Planet???
COLLECTIVE DREAMS: Computers, as every child knows, can’t dream… and this is also a Fact!
ART: It’s a procedure of the creative right part of our Brain and no computer has or will ever have such a “brain”!!!
CONCLUSION: According to an old eastern saying: “A knife can be used for eating but also for killing”… and unfortunately, up to now, the so called civilised, computerised world, supported by architects and artists too, has mainly used the “knife” for KILLING!!!
In other words we represent two (2) diametrically different worlds… You will continue to support yours and I mine…
Nevertheless … “There is a field out beyond right and wrong. I will meet you there.” Rumi
Yours Takis
15 anni fa
Breandan Jamison said:
"Dear Takis,
I can understand your concerns regarding computer technology and the issue of friendship, however, as a young person growing up through the era of the 'computer age', I do not fear it or see it as overly negative. Let us not forget similar fears surrounding the birth of the industrial revolution...
I think we would all agree that the friendships and fabricated worlds that exist exclusively in cyberspace can never replace the physical and metaphysical dimensions of our existence within a real world of interaction and unconditional love.
However, we can meet and communicate to a much wider audience through the internet in a way that we could not have done 1000 years ago, not even 100 years ago or even 20 years ago...certainly it can seem like somehow the internet has enveloped us, perhaps conditioning our way of thinking or seeming like we are somehow operating less in the 'real world' and thus losing touch with it. But does our use of this medium of communication mean that we are any less human, any less compassionate, any less respectful and kind to our fellow human beings? Are we really becoming less sensitive and somehow losing our ability to love deeply and unconditionally and no longer able to foster new and meaningful friendships in the real world? I think not, we have simply tapped into another form of communication that can heighten our connection to our fellow human beings on the whole planet and this is surely a good thing.
In reference to your point with regard to computer programmes designed with the 'delete function', such as on Celeste where the user has the ability to delete a friend, delete a favourite or delete a comment, this can enable the user to remove offensive comments or abuses that another user may produce. Now thankfully on Celeste this type of behaviour does not seem to occur but abusive offensive negative communication can and does occur on other sites and therefore I think it is a good idea to enable the deletion of such material. This is not an opposing view to democracy, it is simply not helpful to leave something deeply offensive on the web that could cause pain and suffering to another human being.
We want to promote a positive bright vision for the future, negative thoughts breed more negative thoughts but positive motivations and actions can radiate outwards like ripples from a stone splashing into a pond... spreading warmth, compassion and kindness...patience, tolerance and forgiveness to everyone is the way forward, our interconnectedness through our e-friendships can help to heighten our sensitivity to our fellow human programmes will not control us, we are not e-puppets, we are simply operating with the latest tool at our disposal for communication. We do still have 'Freewill', the computer programmes are the creation of a human mind, not disimilar to the creation of an artwork. Both an artwork and a computer programme are born out of our creative intelligence. Both embrace the elements of control and chance. Both have their limitations. Both are vehicles for communication.
Let us not fear this digital age, we are wise enough not to become puppets to the various computer programmes...did we become puppets to the aeroplane and automobile or even the telephone when it was invented? Did we not embrace the positive attributes of these new modes of transport and communication? Everything evolves. We can utilise the positive elements to our advantage to build a better of greater hope, greater communication and deeper connections between all human beings and let us continue to share our collective dreams and visions for the future so that we can all move closer and closer to seeing these dreams become a reality...
Take care, peace and love, sending smiles,
Tom Flynn
15 anni fa
Tom Flynn Giornalista
You are such a wise man. I agree wholeheartedly that art helps us to feel 'connected' as humans in ways that computers will never achieve.
Keep the channels open!
Let's get those Marbles back to Athens!
Love and peace,
Hengameh Farahmand
15 anni fa
Dier TAKIS,die Liebe ist nicht im anderen,sie ist in uns selbst,wir erwecken sie.Aber für dieses Erwecken brauchen wir den anderen.(paulo coelho)
Diana Höding
15 anni fa
Diana Höding Artista
Dear Takis, thank you very much for your Inspiration, Friendship and Love. I'm tottally agree with your words and argumentation. To choose a friend or favourite can't be done by failing at the computer and is truly not a game. We all consider exactly our votes. Therefore let us turn a blind eye to these BUTTENS of deletions.
Diana Höding
15 anni fa
Diana Höding Artista
Dear Takis, thank you very much vor your Inspiration, Friendship and Love. I'm tottally agree with your words and argumentation. To choose a friend or favourite can't be done by failing at the computer and is truly not a game. We all consider exactly our votes. Therefore let us turn a blind eye to these BUTTENS of deletions.
Alessandra Parmeggiani
15 anni fa
Thank Takis for your invitation.
Please send me more info. I hope to hear you soon.
Alessandra Parmeggiani
15 anni fa
Suddenly, few days ago, we have been informed that, besides friendships and favourite-artworks, we can also DELETE comments we received, … just by pushing some buttons…
I was really confused once more and I was asking myself what kind of Human behaviour is that…Is that the way we’ll promote Dialogue and Democracy???
I’m familiar as an Architect and Artist, but not as a human being, to various computer programmes…The world of computer-communication was totally unknown to me, up to now, and it’s very different, I have to admit, from the real world I’m used to live!
It’s a world mostly full of confused moods, without any real feelings! It’s a world of indifference, inconsistency and insecurity! It’s a world, sometimes even full of negativity, ill minded and dangerous behaviours!
Now that I start to understand how it functions, I’m determined to change it, by changing in me the generally adopted patterns...
For example there is no reason at all to become at first “friends” in order to exchange later on some thoughts, feelings and senses… The fear of rejection of a so called “friendship-request” (as if Friendship is a question of request and confirmation), as well as any other kind of fear, is totally inhuman!!!
Next year’s Exhibition is a unique opportunity to realise that Human communication, through computers, is a very serious “business” to deal with, if we do not wish to become (robot) machines, and develop ourselves as Humans…
FRIENDSHIP (Real Human Communication and Human Relations) is the quintessence of Life, Love and Art, which no kind of machine, even the most highly elaborated, could ever be able to eliminate …
No Human being wishes to become an e-puppet of the data and restrictions of the one or the other computer-program… What we should try to develop, consciously, also through the procedure of our internet-communication, is Freewill… We should of course use all the opportunities that such programs provide, but we should never allow to ourselves to be used, guided, shaped and mastered by them! FRIENDSHIP is not a computer-game of pushing some buttons…
“The simple the better”, the human, as Maria Jacques said! “Speak truth and from the heart”, were the words of Sibylle Werner. To be “Friends from heart”, claims Emily Eunjue Hayes with whom I will totally agree, when she says that what we mostly need is INSPIRATION!!! And Inspiration as well as Friendship, Creation and Love can never be offered by machines…
15 anni fa
mario_c Artista
............. grazie per l'amicizia e l'invito ad Atene per il 2010, mi sembra interessante. Se avrò qualcosa da dire parteciperò. Complimenti per i suoi lavori.
Daniela Di Lullo
15 anni fa
Hallo Takis Alexiou, thank you for a message...
Roberta Weissman Nagy
15 anni fa
Thank you for invitation,hope you will sent some info more,alll best Roberta
alessandra della valentina
15 anni fa
Hi Takis, thank you for the invitation.
I'm very interested.Is it possible to have more details about this exhibition?
Looking foreward to hear from you soon.
Astrid Krüger
15 anni fa
Astrid Krüger Artista
Hi Takis,
sorry for my late reply. I was just a few weeks in France. Thank you for the invitation! I'm very interested. Please send me details.
Yours Astrid
Patricia Murillo
15 anni fa
Dear Takis,thanks for inviting me, is it possible to have more information? I am looking forward to hear about you
cristina costanzo
15 anni fa
bellissimi lavori! wonderful works!I especially love your drawings!
Graziella Nisticò
15 anni fa
Hi Takis thank you for the invite i would like to participate and will hope to keep in contact with you. I was able to write to you in english as my cousin is here from London but will reply to you in italian next time.
Giuseppe  Di Cianni
15 anni fa
Hi Takis thank you for the invite i would like to participate and will hope to keep in contact with you. I was able to write to you in english as my cousin is here from London but will reply to you in italian next time.
Giuseppe  Di Cianni
15 anni fa
Marko Vuksa
15 anni fa
Marko Vuksa Artista
Thank you Takis
 Alessandra Lampiasi
15 anni fa
Hy Takis, thank you for the message I read it only now becouse I can'be too much on line for now.. sure I'm interested in the event and if I can I will not miss it! I really thank you for thinking of me! keep in touch!
Melissa Nucci
15 anni fa
Melissa Nucci Artista
Hi Takis,thanks a lot for the invitation.I'd love to participate!Could you please send me more information? Take care, Melissa
Loredana Grasso
15 anni fa
Loredana Grasso Artista
Thanks for the info, look forward to the application form.
As I said I am honored to participate.
Gabriele Koch
15 anni fa
Gabriele Koch Artista
Hello Takis,
Thank you for your kind mail.
I have sent an answer to your site and give me please more informations.
Alexandra Jakoby
15 anni fa
Hallo Takis,
it's attractive offer. Thank you!
Ich würde gerne dabei sein. Sende bitte mehr Information....
Grüße Alexandra
esther cassinelli
15 anni fa
Hi Takis,
Thanks so much for the invitation, please can you send me more info?
Thanks again
margherita massimino
15 anni fa
Hi Takis!
Thank you for your invitation.Please let me more details.bye Margherita
denise sanna
15 anni fa
denise sanna Artista
Thank you for the invitation.
Im intrested, please tell me more about it.
Bruno Gorgone
15 anni fa
Bruno Gorgone Artista
Hi Takis. Thank you for your invitation, wishing you all the best.
elena chiesa
15 anni fa
elena chiesa Artista
hi Takis
THANKYOU! of course i am interested in your invitation (if it is free and has no costs!!!). let me know more about it!
congratulation for your profile! very interesting!
hopefully with future friendship :-)
Antonio Chierici
15 anni fa
Hi Takis!Thank you, I've send you an email.. let me know. Ciao ciao
Ettore Toniolo
15 anni fa
Ettore Toniolo Artista
Thanks for the invitation.
sara dotto
15 anni fa
sara dotto Artista
hi Takis, I like your young woman playing with water.
Stefania Di Filippo
15 anni fa
hi Takis, i'm honored for your invitation, i really think it would be a beautiful possibility for everyone who is interested in art. Thank you. Can you send me more details about the event? Thanks
Paola Angelotti
15 anni fa
Paola Angelotti Artista
Hi Taxis, thanks for your invitation, please keep in touch and let me know more
15 anni fa
fusimik Artista
Takis Hello!
Thank you for your invitation.
I would be interested in participating at the International Group Exhibition
end of next year (2010) ..
Please let me have more details ..
Thanks again to Michele Fusiello
Maurizio Morandi
15 anni fa
Hi Takis,
can you tell me more about the project?


Maurizio Morandi
15 anni fa
mabar Artista
ciao takis, ti ringrazio per l'invito potrei partecipare puoi inviarmi altri dettagli?
Hi Takis!
Thanks for the invitation, it is very interesting.
I beg you to make me have more details.
speranza casillo
15 anni fa
Thanks for the invite
Please keep me informed of the event details.
Danelli M.Elena - Dari
15 anni fa
Hi Takis!
Thanks for the invitation, it is very interesting.
I beg you to make me have more details.
Thanks still, talk to you soon.
Elena Danelli
15 anni fa
MJARO Artista
It sounds interesting, thanks for the invitation :)
15 anni fa

the idea seems interesting, you can 'think.
15 anni fa
Calabrese Artista
Thank you for the invitation.
There are currently engaged in other activities. However, I want to have more details on the event of which you speak to me.
cinzia bassetti
15 anni fa
cinzia bassetti Artista
I am happy indeed to be invited to an artistic event in grecia, it would be a pleasure for me to have you increase information. thanks so much
15 anni fa
Almadressa Artista
hello! thank you and I'm very happy to accept your invitation! do you give me more information, please? good work and see you soon!beatrice
Annika  Sporleder
15 anni fa
Hi Takis! I got your message, thank you. I really like the title of the exhibition!
15 anni fa
maestrocascella Artista
ciao siono felice di essere tuo amico
Lorenzo Di Lucido
15 anni fa
Tank you very much for your invitation Takis, I hope to partecipate,can you give me more details!? Ciao a Presto.
Angela Caso
15 anni fa
Angela Caso Artista
dear takis,
tanks for invitation, please send me more details.

15 anni fa
americanvirus Artista
Nice Work, Takis!
Marta Bettega
15 anni fa
Marta Bettega Artista
Hi Takis! I will ask for more details.Tks
Sherryl Chavarria
15 anni fa
Thank you for inviting me as your friend. Your paintings stimulates the senses, and your brush strokes and colors captures the energy of the rhythm of life. Very impressive. Sherryl Chavarria
Andri Josef
15 anni fa
Andri Josef Artista
i would like to participate for sure
i want to learn details about it
vincenzo corcelli
15 anni fa
Hi Takis!
Thanks for the invitation! Please, send me more details... I hope will be possible to partecipate in your exhibition! Let's keep in touch. Vincenzo
Anna Maria Saviano
15 anni fa
Of course I am! It would be amazing for me...thanks for your invitation!
maximo milek
15 anni fa
maximo milek Artista
ok takis...give more details...and vamos
Tamara Marino
15 anni fa
Tamara Marino Artista
Thanks for the invitation. I would like to know more, keep me informed on the event and how to participate. Greetings, Tamara.
15 anni fa
Michja Artista
*Here and Now is There is Always*

The philosophy of my pictures to say that what we describe as reality, just an image and it shows my material as I care, how it stands against other objects.
For instance, I can know the meaning of an object or analyze a subject, one you penetrate, and the term "feeling" designate.
Each image is on its way, a clear guide for action.
The plethora of images, however, it is from the life of man erwächst.Sie free thinking and leads to tolerance of others and other human being.
One thing is probably certain: How to rotate my images and also considered at the beginning of any event is always an individual, which itself seems a bit of this and viewed methodically linked to comparisons within himself.
"I'll show myself to the outside inward."
Good luck MICHjA
Virginia Videa
15 anni fa
Virginia Videa Artista
Dear Takis Alexiou,
I found out from my wife, Virginia Videa, who is a painter, about the exhibition from Athens and I would also like to participate.
I thank you very much,
Gheorghe Zaharia, sculptor
How to find me on Celeste: Members/Sculpture, Search: Gheorghe Zaharia
Chelsea Hughes
15 anni fa
Chelsea Hughes Artista
Hi Takis
Thanks for the invite, sounds very interesting! I'd like some more info, keep in touch
Take care
Annika  Sporleder
15 anni fa
Hi Takis!
Thanks for inviting me, I just sent you a mail for more information!
Annika  Sporleder
15 anni fa
Hi Takis! (Or is it Alexiou?) thank you for your message, I will look for it! ;-)
Elena Bolgova
15 anni fa
Elena Bolgova Artista
Hi Takis,
I've got your message .
Thank you very much.I'd like to participate in that project and I'd like to know more about details.
Where can I find information? Thank you in advance for an answer.
Francesco Vaglica
15 anni fa
hi,Takis, many thanks for your invitation. I hope will be possible for me to partecipate, send me details.
michele d'avenia
15 anni fa
Hi takis. Thank you for your invitation. Can you send to me all the details?
mario rossi
15 anni fa
mario rossi Artista
Thanks for the invitation. Yes, I'm interested in the exhibition. Tell me news.
Paolo Carnevale
15 anni fa
Paolo Carnevale Artista
Thank you very much for the invitation. Please send me details
paolo carnevale
loredana matteoli
15 anni fa
I share your thought.
I chose you for your smile and because you reminde me Picasso's style when he was very young, but especially because you are greek... and I love the Greeks!

Atelier Quici DA.
15 anni fa
Hallo Taki, leider ist mir nicht möglich an diese Ausstellung in Athen im 2010 teilzunehmen. ein gruss aus BW. Nick
Atelier Quici DA.
15 anni fa
thanks Takis, for your interest an my Artworks, Unfortunatelly I cant tell you if im able to be part af this Group Exhibition 2010 becaus I have allread three international Exibitions next year... sorry Nick
Yusuke Hirata
15 anni fa
Yusuke Hirata Artista
Mr. Takis.
Thank you very much for the invitation. Please send me details

Diana Höding
15 anni fa
Diana Höding Artista
Hi Takis, i'm really honored for the your interesting invitation and interested to take part. Still waiting for the details and thank you very much, your Diana
Luigi De Cesare
15 anni fa
Luigi De Cesare Artista
Honoured by your invitation, project very interesting. I will attend willingly.
15 anni fa
Laurol Artista
Thank you very much for your invitation! I hope to can participate.
I can be interested. Give me more details. Ciao

Your friend Laurol
Gabriele Corni
15 anni fa
Gabriele Corni Artista
Takis, Thanks a million for the invitation. Im delighted to participate in Athens!! Please let me know what you need in order for me to participate and moreover, let me know what I can do to help!
speak to you soon,
Miki Hirata
15 anni fa
Miki Hirata Artista
Thanks for the invitation. Please send me details
Miki Hirata
15 anni fa
Miki Hirata Artista
Thanks for the invitation. Please send me details
Rossana Corti
15 anni fa
Rossana Corti Artista
Thanks for the invitation Takis! Is much appreciated! Tell me where you will like to join, that is, all the details.
Thank you!
Vittoria Arena
15 anni fa
Vittoria Arena Artista
thank you Takis
Very interesting your works.
Alberto Banda
15 anni fa
Thank you very much, for your invitation
Antonietta Montemurro
15 anni fa
Dear mister Takis,
your opinion about the barbarity and the possibility to stop it with honesty and love meets my thougth...
I thing to change the world we need to change ourselves and to stop anger we need to stop war to oneself...
Silvia Logi
15 anni fa
Silvia Logi Artista
Dear Takis
Thanks for the invitation.. I am very pleased for this invitation.. Please keep me updated when you will have more details as I would really love to take part of this event, thanks.. Silvia

Alberto Banda
15 anni fa
Dear Alexiou, thank you so much for the invitation; I would like to participate.
Atelier Quici DA.
15 anni fa
grazie per la tua richiesta di amicizia
Christiane Bernreuther
15 anni fa
Hello, Takis ! Thank you very much for the kind invitation,I am interested and would like to have more details. Best wishes from Hamburg !:)
Andrea Poggipollini
15 anni fa
grazie per ogni parola
Elena Osterwalder
15 anni fa
Thank you very much for the invitation . I would love to participate , please send details.
Elena Osterwalder
gianni covelli
15 anni fa
gianni covelli Art lover
they agree with that write, my complimetis
cristina pennacchi
15 anni fa
Complimenti per la tua arte
Saluti Cristina
angela  trapani
15 anni fa
angela trapani Artista
Ciao Takis Alexiou,
ho fatto tradurre la tua bellissima email da un mio amico.
Grazie per il tuo meraviglioso messaggio di amicizia, l’ho gradito moltissimo. Scusami se finora non sono riuscita a scriverti e a ringraziarti in inglese purtroppo per me questa lingua rappresenta un grosso ostacolo. Inoltre il mio tempo al pc è molto limitato. Spero accetterai lo stesso la mia sentita gratitudine in italiano.
Un Abbraccio!
Diego Pomarico
15 anni fa
Diego Pomarico Artista
Thank you very much for the invitation. I hope to can participate.

I would like to know more details...

kind regards
15 anni fa
maestrocascella Artista

Ich freue mich, mit Bewunderung für Ihr Blog essereci immer mit

Zuneigung und Freundschaft mit Ihrem Freund die Beurteilung des

italienischen Künstlers maestrocascella
Das ist meine persönliche Website zu schreiben, etwas mjio site by

Hengameh Farahmand
15 anni fa
Many thanks for your invitation .It is really a wonderfull opportunity and i am very interested to join. I am waiting for more details.THANKS.BESTE GRÜSSE HENGAMEH
Izabela Maria Trusz
15 anni fa
thank you so much !
15 anni fa
Achi Artista
Hallo Herr Takis Alexiou,
hier schriebt Achis Sohn. Leider ist mein Vater in Kuba, seit mehr ein Jahr und konnte nicht persönlich schreiben. Ich hoffe, dass Sie es verstehen. Schöne Grußen aus Bremen Denis A. Pineda
Morteza Zahedi
15 anni fa
Morteza Zahedi Artista
how are you?
thank you for your add,
how do you do?
Jo Ravizzotti
15 anni fa
Jo Ravizzotti Artista
Thank you Takis for having pointed out my work "Donne_Dove" among the preferred one! Jo
Anna Maria Basile
15 anni fa
Thank you for your preference Takis
Izabela Maria Trusz
15 anni fa
thanks... i think like you that "this particular sensitivity" is more and more difficult to find, but is important to respect the sensitivity of everyone too, and always to try to understand the really "why" of determined artistic & formal choices...if are they sincere ? embraces & good creationes
Cuius Iuculano Alberto
15 anni fa
Grazie e complimenti buonlavoro.
15 anni fa
hello man
tank u x the req
nice to meet u
Jo Ravizzotti
15 anni fa
Jo Ravizzotti Artista
Thanks for the message that you have sent me. You are right when you say that the most elementary thing is to speak. I am convinced of it. Also for me it is an only experience this share to the prize, and I do it with passion and seriousness. Thanks still and we maintain the contacts. Jo
Jo Ravizzotti
15 anni fa
Jo Ravizzotti Artista
Grazie per la tua richiesta di amicizia.
A presto
Margit Hartleb
15 anni fa
Margit Hartleb Artista
Danke Takis, für die schönen und wahren Worte...! Alles Liebe.
Maria Aristova
15 anni fa
Maria Aristova Artista
thank you!You so kind,positive and creative person!I happy that you my frind!
15 anni fa
Thanks of yours beautiful very deep reflections and at the same time genuine where it detaches the value of the true feeling of the friendship. Unfortunately daily life has become so frantic man not to let us see the transparencies of our soul. Igli
Roberto Arduini
15 anni fa
Roberto Arduini Artista
Thank you for your message! Roberto
Tremaine Harris
15 anni fa
Tremaine Harris Artista
Greetings Takis,
Thank you for the friendship ,I appreciate it and I like the lightness in your artistry, especially the Paper Boats and sculptural project of Salamina Island.
Giulia Janach
15 anni fa
Giulia Janach Artista
Hollow Alexiou, thank because you are choice my woork from your prefert woork.
Thank for your friendship.

Roberta Dallara
15 anni fa
Roberta Dallara Artista
Grazie per la tua amicizia, mi piace il tuo lavoro.
15 anni fa
Your work radiates with the joy of life rare in era of conflict.I hope we will all attain such heights

&Google Basil Colin Frank
Gregory Bairaktaris
15 anni fa
Thank you very much for all, Dr Takis. I release that also my way is this you speak about, although many times in my life I took the other of barbarity. Many Kisses, Gregory

15 anni fa
mita Artista
thanks Takis, I also think like you. are a
special person, I am happy to esserti friend
Annamaria Biagini
15 anni fa
Christiane Bernreuther
15 anni fa
Many, many, many thanks to you,Takis !!!
Valentyna Yevteyeva
15 anni fa
Hello Takis :-)
Thank you for friendship!
Un caro saluto alla Grecia:-)
Roberto Arduini
15 anni fa
Roberto Arduini Artista
Grazie, e complimenti per la tua carriera professionale molto creativa!
Michela Baldi
15 anni fa
Michela Baldi Artista
Thank you for your friendship!
Vito Ventura
15 anni fa
Vito Ventura Artista
Hi Takis!! Many thanx for your req! Hope you like my worx as much as I like yours!..:)
15 anni fa
grazie Takis. buon lavoro.
Maria Martinelli
15 anni fa
Thanks Takis! I return my appreciation to your work... vibrant energy, especially in "swimming pair"... and your project for Salamina is wonderful, it conveys peace and joy and the hope of a perfect place to live in. I heartly wish you good luck!
Margit Hartleb
15 anni fa
Margit Hartleb Artista
thank you Takis for your friendship. Tolle Bilder, eine eindrucksvolle Vielfalt und einfach schön sie anzusehen...
15 anni fa
Grazie e complimenti per i tuoi lavori! ciao Rosalba
Glenda Sburelin
15 anni fa
Glenda Sburelin Artista
Thank you, compliments to you and good luck. Glenda
Roberto Pinetti
15 anni fa
Roberto Pinetti Artista
I was, as you too, very interested to relation between architecture and psychology! I wrote my Dissertation (at the school for psychotherapist) about the home as "simbolic body".
Unfortunately my poor English does not allow me to go into that, but I hope that we will have the opportunity to do this later ..
Roberto Pinetti
15 anni fa
Roberto Pinetti Artista
Thanks very much for your friendship and for the positive comment.
Irene Petrafesa
15 anni fa
Irene Petrafesa Artista
thank you very much, Takis.
Very interesting your works.
Manuela Nicolini
15 anni fa
Grazie per la tua amicizia, sono onorata da un artista come te!
Thanks for your friendship, I am honorable at an artist as you!
Silvia Casilli
15 anni fa
Silvia Casilli Artista
thanks for your friendship request
elena candoli
15 anni fa
elena candoli Artista
Thank you. Congratulations for your work and... for your insight and intelligence (are not so easy to meet). Sorry for my english..Elena
Ciaran Magill
15 anni fa
Ciaran Magill Artista
Hi Taxis,

Thank you very much for your kind words. I love your paintings and drawings especially Epistroph to Senses which has a very strong use of line and very contemporary aesthetic.

Design of the Central Square on Salamina Island is amazing, you are a man of many talents, with your creativity spreading across several areas of art and design. Magnificent!
15 anni fa
I’m not either a puritan or religious man and I do not accuse "porno". But I characterize it as something totally different from "nude". Everyone has the right to express himself/herself as he/she pleases. It is a question of personal aesthetics...
15 anni fa
pantone'd Artista
Efcharistw poly gia to add.
E in bocca al lupo per il Premio :)
15 anni fa
Shu Artista
Thank you Takis.
Roberto Pinetti
15 anni fa
Roberto Pinetti Artista
Ciao! Thanks for your req..!
Luky Red
15 anni fa
Luky Red Artista
Grazie caro amico
sono contento di sentire il tuo messaggio adesso voglio ricominciare la pittura che avevo lasciato nel 1999
restiamo in contatto
Luky Red
Messaggio: "You have the brushes, you have the colors, paint the paradise and go in" (N. Kazantzakis).
P.S. see artwork "my e-friends 1". Good luck Luky!
 A.  Alin Zorbaz
15 anni fa
you have interesting art works Mr. Takis I like them ..
Annamaria Biagini
15 anni fa
Grazie per il tuo commento! Un saluto Annamaria
. ana picasso .
15 anni fa
. ana picasso . Artista
Thank you Takis!

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