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Commenti 121

Elena  Boano
10 anni fa
Elena Boano Artista
Thank you very much Steven!!!! I really think your work is a great work of art! I love it! bye!
Miho  Iwahashi
12 anni fa
Miho Iwahashi Artista
Thank you so much for your comment!
your works are amazing!
Maria Tindara Pruiti
12 anni fa
my compliments his work is really beautiful! Maria Tindara
Hannah Hardy
12 anni fa
Hannah Hardy Artista
Many thanks for your friendship and kind comments! Congratulations on your superb work
Elena  Boano
12 anni fa
Elena Boano Artista
PS. I love your dog! :)))
Elena  Boano
12 anni fa
Elena Boano Artista
thank you very much!!! I began to paint just a few time ago...I'm still looking for my personal way...But maybe Ricordi di Tabriquet, seems one possible right way...maybe... :) thank you again! :) bye
Maria Cristina Baracchi
12 anni fa
You are welcome! :) Happy 2013!
Elena  Boano
12 anni fa
Elena Boano Artista
Thank you very much for the friendship request and congratulations for your wonderful work! It's unbelievable :-) bye see you soon
Giuseppe Figliuzzi
12 anni fa
Nicholas Boatwright
13 anni fa
I like the simple subject material with an outstanding attention to detail.
francesco poerio
13 anni fa
Thanks for preferenece and friendship,congratulations for your works!
Giacomo Sonaglia
13 anni fa
Grazie Steven, il tuo iperrealismo è sconcertante... complimenti vivissimi!!!
Magdalena Shi
13 anni fa
Magdalena Shi Artista
Thank you for your nice words. Your works are very good.
enrica merlo
14 anni fa
enrica merlo Artista
Thank you for preferred my Gauguin!! Have a good night.
enrica merlo
14 anni fa
enrica merlo Artista
Dear Steven, thank you so much for friendship!!
Gelso Nero
14 anni fa
Gelso Nero Artista
Thanks a lot Steven!
Teresa Kobayashi
14 anni fa
Thank you. Very nice work!
Rossella Scola
14 anni fa
Rossella Scola Artista
Salve Steven, Grazie per l'amicizia! Non sono brava con l'inglese, ho visto il tuo lavoro e mi ha impressionato molto! potrei dire "positively scary"! Rossella
Gianfranco ferlazzo
14 anni fa
Amazing artworks,congratulations!
14 anni fa
sticchinain Artista
complimenti per i tuoi lavori,sono molto belli,ciao a presto
isy hoepfner
14 anni fa
isy hoepfner Artista
Thank you for your invitation,nice to meet you and your artwork,i.
Laura Bottaro
14 anni fa
Laura Bottaro Artista
thanks for friendArt:)
Marisa Ferreira
15 anni fa
Marisa Ferreira Artista
Thanks for friendship, comment and for choosing one of my pictures as your favorite. You are welcome to stay in touch. Hugs, Marisa Ferreira
Debora Bottaro
15 anni fa
Debora Bottaro Artista
Grazie per l'amicizia e cmplimenti per le tue opere. Incredibile verità espressiva.
Elizabeth McDonald
15 anni fa
Thank you very much!
Michele de Costanzo
15 anni fa
Thanks a lot for putting my work among your favourites works,
I'm proud of it.
Have a nice inspiration and congratulations on your works!
emanuela comito
15 anni fa
emanuela comito Artista
tks a lot.....will be great if I will organize a exhibition asap!
marisa supato
15 anni fa
marisa supato Artista
Beautiful artwork and beautiful garden.
Marisa Supato
Maurizio Carpanelli
15 anni fa
Thank you Steven for your friendship !
francesca tilotta
15 anni fa
Thank you Steve! Good works!
15 anni fa
Thank you Steven!Congratulations for your work!
And your dog is so beautiful!
Good luck and keep in touch!
Serena Manasseri
15 anni fa
maurizio perozzi
15 anni fa
maurizio perozzi Art lover
grazie per la tua amicizia,complimenti per le tue opere,le trovo molto comunicanti...ciao a presto
15 anni fa
Rita Artista
ciao grazie per avermi aggiunta!
Antonio Tanzi
15 anni fa
Antonio Tanzi Artista
good works
Bianka Artiste of Light Other
15 anni fa
Thank you Steven!
your art work are special and expressiv.
the same in your photo profil with a prety dog :-)
Domenico Bonomi
15 anni fa
Domenico Bonomi Artista
Hello Steven and thank you for becoming a friend, I like your work,
I hope can be collaborative for both.
I invite you to visit my site
Mara Lorenzini
15 anni fa
Mara Lorenzini Artista
Hi Steven, sei davvero interessante!
Maria Aristova
15 anni fa
Maria Aristova Artista
thank you! ))
Massimo Di Lecce
15 anni fa

Hi Steven, I like the art of its kind, everything that is created out from the depths of the soul and the heart is ART. It does not have the time or measure, when it comes to when you die man expresses in all his ways that his deep and suggests this is a great gift that everyone can see it, thanks Steven Massimo
15 anni fa
Carlo Artista
Ciao Steven,your painting is finely treated well done indeed!CIAO and thanks to ever put my work among your favorites. Carlo
Maria Nobili
15 anni fa
Maria Nobili Artista
Thank you very much for your preference and your comments on my work, Steven.
Maria Nobili
15 anni fa
Maria Nobili Artista
Hi Steven, I hope one day to be able to visit New Brunswick!
Serena Manasseri
15 anni fa
"L'uomo è un viaggio verso se stesso"
Gianfranco Castelli
15 anni fa
Tank you Steve!
massimo casalini
15 anni fa
Compliments for gardens!!
I forget: And compliments for your fantastic masterpieces!
Laura Moretto
15 anni fa
Laura Moretto Artista
grazie Steven! i like your work, Robin Hood especially... Laura M
Serena Manasseri
15 anni fa
The most beautiful gift for an artist is ......

mary todisco
15 anni fa
mary todisco Artista
Grazie per la preferenza.
Francesca Giacomazzi
15 anni fa
Ciao Steven,
mi piacciono molto i tuoi lavori
ti auguro buon lavoro
tante cose belle
Francesca Giacomazzi
Jo Ravizzotti
15 anni fa
Jo Ravizzotti Artista
Hi Steven. Thank you so much for your preference of my work and for your friendship
Sabrina Zadro
15 anni fa
Sabrina Zadro Artista
Hi Steven,
thanks for your friend request!
Katarina Tulakova
15 anni fa
Hello, thank u for friendship and also for comment of my painting. I like your portraits Lara, Lindsay ... great work. regards :)
Izabela Maria Trusz
15 anni fa
good morning ! hello
thanks... & thank you of your "Seasons End " : near mine kind of perception so much . i will smile (the promise of a sailor !)
15 anni fa
Indifference leads to barbarity and barbarity to catastrophe and pain… The only way, as I see it, to stop this ill luck, is not anger and aggression, but honesty and love, the words of heart we exchange the last few weeks, not only between professionals but also with amateurs, collectors, galleries, critics, journalists and visitors… For me it was and still remains a unique experience –a “job” I took seriously– and I am very grateful to all of you, MY FRIENDS, for that!… From over a thousand friends (and favourite works), one out of ten found the time to exchange some honest and kind words… This ratio, I would say, is a good one, because if one out of ten artists of the world has this elementary sensibility, the future of the blue planet earth seems to be in good hands… Be always touched with Life, yours Takis
15 anni fa
Plauso Artista
Very beautiful works!
speranza casillo
15 anni fa
Thank you so much :)
Valentyna Yevteyeva
15 anni fa
Ciao Steven!
Un caro saluto da Valentyna
Buon lavoro!
15 anni fa
Hi Steven!
Thanks a lot for your friendship!
Say hi also to your two english setter dogs..I love them!
Felipe artstudio
15 anni fa
Felipe artstudio Gallerista
per la tua amicizia

sarei lieto di invitarla a venire per una eventuale esposizione in galleria qui a San Gemini (TR)

Cordiali saluti
da Felipe
Carlotta Castelletti
15 anni fa
Thank you so much of your message on my painting.
Viola Virdis
15 anni fa
Viola Virdis Artista
Thank you very much, Steven!
Today I have uploaded a picture of “memento mori (autoritratto)” of better quality.
Have a good day!
Alfonso e Nicola Vaccari
15 anni fa
Thank you Steven!
Ciaran Magill
15 anni fa
Ciaran Magill Artista
Hi Steven,

I love your painting of Oscar, it is magnificent!

Best wishes,

roula sorour
15 anni fa
roula sorour Artista
Your portrait are very good but it is Robbin Hood, and that Great America that captured my heart
Jackie Stevens-Lock
15 anni fa
Hi Steven. Thanks for the friendship add xx
Missi Queen
15 anni fa
Missi Queen Artista
thanks for the friendship! :)
luca guadagnini
15 anni fa
luca guadagnini Artista
Good luck! I like your works.
Marta Scatarzi
15 anni fa
Marta Scatarzi Artista
Hi Steven, thank you for your request and sorry for kept you waiting.
Your "Oscar" is great!
Silvia Casilli
15 anni fa
Silvia Casilli Artista
Thank you also for your appreciation of my work. A pleasant surprise, for me
Silvia Casilli
15 anni fa
Silvia Casilli Artista
Thanks for your friendship request
15 anni fa
Hi Steven, piacere di conoscerti e complimenti per i tuoi Artwork. Igli
15 anni fa
Peyablo™ Artista
Hi Steven,

thanks for your friendship and your comment. Your work is very impressive, especially portraits.
I wish you all the best.
daniela garavini
15 anni fa
hi steven!nice to meet you and thanks for friendship!
Lotty Garino
15 anni fa
Lotty Garino Artista
Hola, Steven, thank you for your friendship.I really like Oscar (the old man) Buena suerte
Barbara Mazzoli
15 anni fa
Barbara Mazzoli Artista
thanks for your friendship
complments for your job
Kazuyo Y
15 anni fa
Kazuyo Y Artista
Hi, Steven, thank you for your friendship and your lovely works!
Sanae Hayashi
15 anni fa
Sanae Hayashi Artista
Good evening from Tokyo Steven,

Thank you for your sweet comment. I feel like to draw another piece for tonight. Loving "Marguerite, Always Refreshing" as well as your profile pic w/ your adorable pup.

Nasser Lubay
15 anni fa
Nasser Lubay Artista
thanks for the fave! take care and god bless!
Davide  Puma
15 anni fa
Davide Puma Artista
grazie steven e complimenti in particolare per A TROY
Serena Manasseri
15 anni fa
"è proprio di un grande artista racchiudere il Tutto in un parte" Seneca
Zul Albani
15 anni fa
Zul Albani Artista
Awsome and Excellent work Steven!
Angelo Zani
15 anni fa
Angelo Zani Artista
Thanks for your nice comment. Among your paintings my favorite is "Marguerite, Always Refreshing", but the portraits are beautiful too
paolo  zanettin
15 anni fa
paolo zanettin Artista
many thanks for all Steven
good luck

paolo zanettin
Nicolas Constantin
15 anni fa
hello steven, thank you so much for your attention and kind means a lot to me.I really would like to visit your lovely shop.and, as a young boy I seriously wanted to become an ornithologist ... so I feel a deep relation and admiration for your amazing portraits of birds ... and your garden seems to be a place of freedom.congratulations for your subtle way of artistic expression and way of living.finest thoughts.nicolas
Serena Manasseri
15 anni fa
Hi Steven, thanks for the friend request and for your comment. I am very impressed with your portraits, are very beautiful.
Hengameh Farahmand
15 anni fa
Hi Steven thanks a lot....
nicola esposito
15 anni fa
nicola esposito Artista
Hi, Steven, thank you for your friendship.Good luck with your works.

Valentina Scattolin
15 anni fa
Thank you Stephen for you friendship.
I like your works, my favourite are Marguerite and Lindsay: very expressive.
Good luck!
Valentina Scattolin
15 anni fa
Thank you Stephen for you friendship.
I like your works, my favourite are Marguerite and Lindsay: very expressive.
Good luck!
Alette Simmons-Jimenez
15 anni fa
Steven - Thanks for adding me as a friend!
Irina Rebeca Bianchet
15 anni fa
Hello, Im from Argentina, im like very much your art, is a pleasure to meet you.
Anna  Armellino
15 anni fa
Anna Armellino Artista
Hi Steven, thanks !
Hengameh Farahmand
15 anni fa
Hi steven,thanks for your nice compliment that is very kind of you.
Lalla Lippi
15 anni fa
Lalla Lippi Artista
Hi Stephen, thank you for your frienship, regards for your portraits so real, so perfect. Good work Lalla
Mariola Bogacki
15 anni fa
Mariola Bogacki Artista
Thank you for your message. I wish you good success aswell with your paintings.

Sarah C. Ferguson
15 anni fa
Hi Steven,
Thanks for your friendship on Celeste Prize. Your work is truly magnificent!
Leyla Murr
15 anni fa
Leyla Murr Artista
Thank you Steven for your kind comment! Lovely work.
15 anni fa
Campanella Artista
thank you steven!
diana  cepleanu
15 anni fa
diana cepleanu Artista
Thanks for your comment!
I like the delicacy end tenderness of your paintings end also your stunning attraction for detail!
15 anni fa
Samsara Artista
hi steven nice to meet you, greatings from Italy Sabrina
J. Isabelle Cornière
15 anni fa
Hi steven,
thanks for your friendship, and nice comment! I like your works too.

Renata Manganelli
15 anni fa
Hi Steven,
thank you for the lovely words which are very much appreciated as they are coming from an excellent artist.
ombretta buongarzoni
15 anni fa
Ciao Steven e grazie per la tua richiesta di amicizia
Maria Pennino
15 anni fa
Maria Pennino Artista
Compliments for your works,surely full of jeux du vivre,in them we can recognize the characters and their soul.Good lock.
Abbas  Mehran
15 anni fa
Abbas Mehran Artista
Hi Steven, I like your portrait paintings; they are unique and expressive,
15 anni fa
Valencia Artista
Hi Steve, I like your work and this ego presentation.
Abbas  Mehran
15 anni fa
Abbas Mehran Artista
Hi Steven,
Thank you for your friendship. I like very much your unique and expressive portraits.
Christiane Bernreuther
15 anni fa
Hi, Steven, your portrait" LINDSAY " is perfect and very good ! With a lot of charisma !
Andrea Latina
15 anni fa
Andrea Latina Artista
thank you, Steven :-)
15 anni fa
GIZAH Artista
Ciao Steven, thank you so much for your comment, soon new works on my cstudios...Ciao
15 anni fa
fusimik Artista
Thanks for having facilitated my work and the request for friendship ..
Interesting your work
Richard Geraint Evans
15 anni fa
Hello Steven,
All great work. Your painting of Lindsay is a triumph. Beautifully calm and contemplative.
Hengameh Farahmand
15 anni fa
hi steven, thank you for your comment. your works are so beautiful. thx for your friendship.
15 anni fa
Lavoro stupefacente il tuo! complimenti.
Antonella Caraceni
15 anni fa
I like "Oscar"!!! But all the other works too!
Christiane Bernreuther
15 anni fa
Thank you so much, Steven, for friendship and our interesting and friendly conversation!
Chiara Fassari
15 anni fa
Chiara Fassari Artista, Designer
Hi, Steven, thank you for your add! a good day
15 anni fa
ARINA Artista
Hi, Steven, thank you for your friendship. I wish you good luck with your work.
15 anni fa
Criel Artista
Hi, Steven
I think that your works are really special and very expressive. Thank you for your friendship
15 anni fa
Ciao Steven, figurativo e ottimo artista, piacere di conoscerti, anche se in maniera virtuale. Marco Arduini

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