
Can an image tell several stories?...Would our remembrance of a photograph be variable, mutable?...
Digital paintings spring from photographs, manipulated, distorted, tamed and rebuilt from the digital material to obtain a unique world that he does not entirely control...The photo is no longer alive but it reborn.
"Each work is a graphic adventure in which the most difficult is to know when to stop and accept that something is born".
Arcofarc, Arnaud Crefcoeur, was born in Namur in 1974. The virus of the image flows in his veins since his youngest age, contaminated by his photographer father. He then manipulates the image in depth for 4 years at the Académie Royale des Beaux-Arts in Liège in the section videography from 1992 to 1996.
His desire to discover new textures of pictures, new worlds, pushes him to mix photographs and works in a Visual fusion proposing to look at things differently...