
Martyna Poznańska
Sound Artist
Martyna Poznańska is an artist who works with sound, image and performance. Her research
focuses upon performative noise reduction, industrial and urban sonic environments and their
atmospheres (feld recordings practice).In her installations she often investigates the themes
of remembering and forgetting, growth, decay and transformation using organic and natural
materials such as salt solutions as components.
She studied Spanish literature and linguistics at the Jagiellonian University, voice at the Laboratory
of Olga Szwajgier and Sound Art at The University of the Arts London. In 2016 she
obtained the MfA degree from Sound Studies at the Universität der Künste (University of The Arts) Berlin. She studied with prof. Hans Peter Kuhn, prof. Volker Straebel and dr. Alex Arteaga.
Martyna showed her works at the Akademie der Künste Berlin (DE), Spor Festival (DK), AudioArt Festival (PL), at the ORF Graz (AU), ohrenhoch-der Geräuscheladen in Berlin (DE), Deutsche Oper Berlin (DE), HARMOS Plural Festival 2014, Porto (PT). She composed dance scores for Dam Van Huynh Company for The Place, London (UK), Dance Bridges Festival in Kolkata (IN) and Johanne Timm (DE), among others. In 2013 she was the recipient of a grant from the Polish Ministry of Culture for the project listening east.