
Technical assistants are right now evident for our western daily life, so they become “Everydays”. This deep intervention in our lives mostly covered is changing our aesthetic view on our self, arts, and society. Since the industrial revolution, the aesthetic change is so enormous that the difference to the change from the first “online” device isn´t evident. There are just new, smoother surfaces (hard- and software) faster math and a social communication witch is very new for our system. But, the way of producing images, writing text, making music is pretty much the same then before.

If you remove the planned profit of a machine, you get an artificial, kinetic object, a diverse extension of the human mind. I like to build up a kind of a freedom for objects, machines and software, all daily assistance, to find their own aesthetical view on the world. They become artificial performer, autonomous objects within the limits of their resources. A knitting machine is not able to do more than knitting, but if this machine is constantly knitting white noise this machine is becoming an image generator, and it becomes time-based. Same for an walking-frame, driven by itself, exploring the world without human “help”. Maybe our daily life changes when those assistants become more autonomous. However, what if they don´t want to assist any more but like to see the world, get experience by them self. What to do with an elevator, constantly getting up and down without passengers?

Altogether, my intention to find freedom for everyday objects and lost techniques as well as new targets of memories get together in autonomous objects. Those artificial performers are results out of long researches about particular machines and a bunch of technical proof of concepts (sketches, models, collages, try and error experiments) but at the end very discreet.

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