
Nicolás Rupcich (b.1981 in Santiago, Chile) received his BFA from the Universidad Finis Terrae and his MA from the Universidad de Chile. Between 2013-2015 he did his Meisterschüler studies in Medienkunst at the Hochschule für Grafik und Buchkunst Leipzig.

Rupcich works primarily with photography, video and installation, his work is focused in the characteristics of the image in our time, mainly in the production systems of digital images, using its aspects and material conditions as thematic elements. Subjects, which are related to the construction of an artificial environment, can be often found where the concept of "image" is involved, either on the configuration of our environment or as well in the behavior of our society. The use of images and its material constitution is one of the starting points of a major part of his work.

Selected exhibitions include: FILE Festival, Fiesp Cultural Center - Ruth Cardoso, Sao Paulo, Brazil (2015);Ars Electronica Animation Festival, Ars Electronica Center, Linz, Austria (2014); V_Kunst Festival, Galerie Maurer, Frankfurt, Germany, (2014); Falso Reflejo, Galería Concreta M100, Santiago, Chile (2014); Of Landscape, Reverse, New York, USA, (2014); Cynetart Festival, Festspielhaus Hellerau, Dresden, Germany (2013); 11Media Arts Biennale, Museum of Fine Arts, Santiago Chile (2013); Transmediale, Haus der Kulturen der Welt, Berlin, Germany (2012); Imagen Local, MAC Quinta Normal, Santiago, Chile ( 2011); 28th Kasseler Dokumentarfilm und Videofest, Kassel, Germany (2011). Dislocación, Juraplatz, Biel/Bienne, Switzerland (2011); Contaminaciones Contemporáneas, MAC USP, Sao Paulo, Brazil (2010); Chili, l’envers du décor, Espace Culturel Louis Vuitton, Paris, France (2010); 7 Bienal del Mercosur – Proyectables, Puerto Alegre, Brazil (2009); 1º Trienal de Chile – El Terremoto de Chile, MAC Quinta Normal, Santiago, Chile (2009); Beijing Biennale 798, Linda Gallery, Beijing, China (2009); Cohortes, MAC Parque Forestal, Santiago, Chile (2009).

He has received Fondart founding (by the Chilean Ministry of Culture) in 2005, 2006 and 2012. Obtained first place in digital art prize granted by UDD and Paula Magazine in 2006, Santiago, Chile. In 2012 obtained DAAD Scholarship (Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst). In 2014 obtained first place in the photography prize granted by Galería Patricia Ready. In 2015 obtained the 2nd prize at FIVA international video festival, Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Nicolás Rupcich lives and works in Leipzig, Germany.