At the moment I'm atempting to publish a children's book written and illustrated by me to my daughter when she was 10, now she is 22,
working as a designer and also as an autonomous comercial director, and admin some digital midia aswell. I started at the age of 14, With an Amiga, generating images with the aid of a scientific calculator. At 17 I was already an AutoLISP developer. I studied architecture at FAU USP.
I met Johnas Mekas at 23, and he introduced me to "art verité". He told me everyone can live with art and I decided to became an artist.
I use a cellphone as camera and to manipulate images with cellphone apps. I work with digital collages, analogical collages and drawings on canson. I work with glitches not only by it stetics but by it concept. For me the world is full of glitches.
“sea.sound project” was my open source blog of colaborative multimedia poetry via intermedia that was presented in piksel 08 at Norway in 2008. I participated in Pecha kucha night at itaú cultural with a work about Ferris wheels.
I am schizoafective, have compulsion for work and for technology. Based on the reflections and this autobiographical question, I researched and developed a project called “Online Dopamine Compulsion”. It has been selected as Editor’s Choice at Celeste Prize 2015. Also my crew developed a project for a multimedia interactive installation: “#GLITCH – Online Dopamine Compulsion” and a project for a video mapping installation: “Online Dopamine Compulsion On the Wall”, that brings a warning about technology compulsion.
"The urban life leads us to the online dopamine compulsion"
Old profile on rhizome
Facebook Kiki jaguaribe
Instagram @kikijaguaribe