Transitions that they mark my existence they draw plastically great part of my work.
Obsessions, duels, ways, lethargies and especially the oxygen that I breathe day after day.
they inspire me to express my lines, colors and visual chapters.
Visual chapters it is since there would develop the synthesis of my work; loaded with
infantile sarcastic expressions in defense of the personal feeling, in denunciation of the
external behavior. Visions from a heterogeneous, unlike, mixed up plane.
The materials used normally, they are basic pigments, colors that form the rainbow
indisposed, paintings to pencil and graphites, plasters and waxes on a base of wood or paper.
The line is very important in the development of my work, using in several occasions printings on pvc or using a rotating drill
for sculpt the figure and the space.
The plates that I use to create a graphical work always are of the only series, artist’s tes