
Angel Patchamanov was born in the town of Galabovo, Bulgaria.
He is working and living in Plovdiv
• 1964 He finished High School of Fine Arts in Sofia, Bulgaria.
• 1976 He graduated from the National Academy of Fine Arts in Sofia -
• department of monumental arts under the supervision of professor Mitto Ganovski.
• He is member of Bulgarian Artistic Union and he is also member of artistic association in Plovdiv.
• 1981 - 1985 - master of drawing, art of painting - High School of Fine Arts in Plovdiv.
• 1993 - 1996 - president of Artistic Association in Plovdiv.
• Angel Patchamanov has made a number of works using various techniques and materials like -
• fresco, mosaic, gobelin, sgraffito, vitrage, sculpture ( made of concrete, wood, metal etc.) and design.
• Plovdiv, Sofia, Hanover, Istanbul, Magdeburg, Vienna, Dordrecht, Hamburg, Brussels,Chicago,
• New York,Florence,Pietrasantra.
• 1984 - Sadovo
• 1992 - International - Plovdiv
• 1996 - First symposium of wood sculpture on the International Fair - Plovdiv
• 1997/1998 – Velingrad.
• 1999 - Pamporovo
• 2000 6th International Woodcarving Symposium Brienz - Switzerland
• 1988 First personal exhibition - St.Imier cultural centre - Switzerland
• 1989 Vionnaz - Switzerland
• 1991 Starinna Gallery - Plovdiv
• 1991 Vionnaz - Switzerland
• 1991 Schorli - Hus Dubendorf Gallery / Zurich /
• 1991 Rondell Gallery Libefeld / Bern /
• 1993 Artistic Association Gallery - Plovdiv
• 1994 D'Arte Mentana Gallery - Florence - Italy
• 1995 Vazrajdane Gallery - Plovdiv
• 1995 Ethnographic museum - Plovdiv
• 1996 Dissonance Gallery - Plovdiv
• 1996 Palace Gallery - Varna
• 1996 Vazrajdane Gallery - Plovdiv
• 1997 Kol Tempo Gallery - Plovdiv
• 1997 Lucas Gallery - Plovdiv
• 1998 Romfeya Gallery - Piovdiv
• 1998 National Art exhibition - Plovdiv
• 1999 Makta Gallery - Sofia
• 2000 Melon Gallery - Sofia
• 2000 Melon Gallery - Cycle "Water - lilies" - Sofia
• 2000 Espace Noir Gallery - St.Imier - Switzerland
• 2001 Cultural center - Norderstet - Hamburg
• 2001 Baratzite Gallery - Plovdiv
• 2001 Melon Gallery - Sofia
• 2002 L'UNION Gallery - Plovdiv
• 2002 Kozhuharovi Gallery - Sofia
• 2002 George Papazoff Gallery - Plovdiv
• 2003 CARB Gallery - New York
• 2004 Art Gallery - Museum Fillipopolis - Plovdiv
• 2005 Bulgaria Gallery - Sofia
• 2008 Diakov Gallery - Plovdiv
• 2008 Triadiss Gallery - Sofia
• 2009 National Art Center "Forum" - Sofia
• 2010 Triadiss Gallery - Sofia
• 2010 HebrosArt Gallery - Plovdiv
• 2010 Gallery LIK -Sofia
• 2012 HebrosArt Gallery- Plovdiv
• 2012 Club Maroko - Plovdiv
• 2012 Red Pony Gallery - Plovdiv
• 2014 HebrosArt Gallery - Plovdiv
• 2015 Club Maroko – Plovdiv
• 2016 ViaArtis Gallery- Plovdiv
• 1997 Prize - Competition 'ABSOLUT VODKA' / sculpture metal /
• 1999 Nominated for the PLOVDIV PRIZE
• 2003 PLOVDIV PRIZ - for Fine Arts
His works are to be found in various Galleries and private collections in Bulgaria,
Switzerland, France, USA, Italy, Spain, Germany, Greece, Austria,Turkey, Canada.Portugal.