
Alexandra Wolframm studied and graduated in visual arts at the Academy of fine arts of Rome, Italy.

The existential relationship between man and nature and the interaction between vision and imagination are the focal points of her work. Human interventions on the environment and on landscape, the transformation of places and their identity and the effects that these dynamics have, can often be perceived only at second glance. This triggers the interest in the ambiguity of images in her research.

She had solo and group shows in Germany and Italy, among others at the Mila Gallery in Berlin, the Francesco Fabbri Foundation in Pieve di Soligo, Italy, the Venice Biennial 2011, Galleria Il Segno, and the AOCF58 association in Rome. She was artist in Residence at the Kunststiftung Goch, NRW, Germany, in 2013 and 2014.

Alexandra Wolframm is co-founder and member of the steering committee of Peninsula e.V., a non profit association of mainly Italian artists in Berlin.