
Our times are afflicted by a flood of narcissism and an obsessive cult of self-expression. It is precisely in a time of crisis, when the market economy can no longer conceal its ugly side so well behind the sheen of consumption, that the appraisal of unbroken beauty is held constant. Modern life has become farremoved from anything resembling authenticity or truth. Slick packaging, empty formulae and masquerades. Along with the assurance that one is doing what others are also doing, because fashion is always changing anyway yet always comes back again to its point of reference. Frozen, loved, felt, inhaled, composed and performed, FEMINIST freewheels with surprising abruptness from one identity pattern to another. FEMINIST is most definitely not merely post-feminist self-adulation set in a private microcosm; rather, it functions entirely in line with Jean-Paul Sartre’s assertion that man is condemned to be free and has to reinvent himself as a human being every day. FEMINIST’s role as a template is only of secondary importance. The endless reproduction of woman and her edgy efforts to present herself anew daily unmask the battle for supremacy between authenticity and theatricality. She moves in utopian realms, but she sometimes also reaches for the stars. Phenomenists, that what we are.