
Caroline Kirberg works as a director and producer on the edge of classical filmmaking (fiction & documentary) and art. Her mid-length fiction film “Fourteen / Luise ist 14” was shown on numerous international festivals, Hof International Film Festival among them. With the minimal Anti-Western “Bina” she follows her interest in the cinematographic framing of the human face / body as well as the self-referential combination of image and sound. Currently, Caroline is developing a creative documentary on teenage dreams in Germany’s province.

As producer Caroline worked e.g. on Clemens von Wedemeyer’s “Rushes” which premiered at dOCUMENTA (13) in 2012, Dani Gal’s art film “As From Afar”, Volker Sattel & Stefanie Gaus’ essayistic documentary “Beyond Metabolism” and Stephan Geene’s feature film “Umsonst”, all of which premiered at Berlinale 2014.