
My name is Dimitris Palade, I am an 30 years old visual artist with roots in Romania and Greece. I studied at Bucharest National University of Arts and got a master degree in Fine Arts, Dynamic Image and Photography.
The main problems or thematic that I explore are family, our place in family and how does it affect us. I started a project called ROOTS in 2008 that explores the subject of family, death, the association of a place with certain people, the visual resemblance between members of the family that lived in different periods of time, what is left behind when a member of the family passes on and how does this affect an individual. This is an ongoing project that has two video parts for now and I am working on a third part.
The other subject that takes most of my time is finding beauty in banal and every day places, things that we pass by on a daily basis but we are too busy with jobs and other social problems to notice them.