What drives me to make what I make .... the human being. I absolutely wanted to paint my way. Portraits I learned that by using a live model. Fairly realistic portraits the first years I found it necessary to have from where I now work on a basis.
Pictures are taken the place of live models. I take pictures that stir me from magazines and books, or I make them myself - mostly of still images television (the technique is not for nothing).
When I paint a portrait I usually start first the eyes because I just get more contact with the painting, the person starts to live and look at me. That's not to say they do not move dozens of times more to change the emotion (or no emotion) that they emit. The painterly solutions generated during the process, from my opportunities but also limitations. I react to what I see happening in the painting, and try as each pictorial further reduce the work. Sometimes I manage this quickly, other times I have the painting each wegschilderen weather or rub off, and then try to resume again. Also coincidences can obviously play.
I am also pleased when the final painting surprised me by an emotion or astonishment.