
Artist, Bachelor of Fine Arts. Student grant at the Interactive Arts Manchester Metropolitan University. Awarded the third prize at the Florence-Shanghai Contemporary Art Prize 2012 (Photography), the first Prize at the VII Certamen Instalación Mujer (installation) and the Caja Canarias Electronic Art Prize 2005 (video), as well as the painting prizes Enrique Lite 2002, Casinos de Tenerife 2002 and 2003 and Villa de Candelaria 2004. Finalist in several Biennials of Santa Cruz de Tenerife, the Caja Canarias Sculpture Prize 2003 and 2005, the Teror Biennale 2004 and 2006 and the International Photography Award Rafael Ramos García 2005.

Besides regular individual and collective samples, she has participated in Fotonoviembre 2005 and 2011 and Art Madrid 2012. Her latest exhibitions have been at the Punto Gallery (Valencia) and the Museum of Nature and Man of Tenerife. The next ones will be at the Center for Humanities Luis Gonzaga de Madrid, the Museum of the University of Alicante and the Shanghai Pudong Library.

Though it entered again in to the university area to penetrate on the abstract art, her current artistic investigations are articulated around three main axes: the plastic possibilities of fragment, interval and serialization; the expressive potential of combining disciplines, techniques and genres (photography, painting, sculpture, collage, animation and digital art); and finally, the inspiration on everyday situations, which are at the heart of her artistic production and configure her personal look at the world around her.