
Alix Delmas (France) born in Bayonne in 1962, lived in Dakar (Senegal) until she was 14 years old. She went off to study painting at the Ecole des Beaux Arts in Paris. Delmas is a versatile, even protean, and fundamentally experimental artist.The photographic and video “mises en scene” that she constructs blend performance and sculpture, paint and light. These installations shake up our shared perceptions of interior places and exterior spaces.The sensation of going off-piste and the intrusive territories present in her work - surely derived from perceptions formed in her childhood as French and foreign, of both here and elsewhere – allow her to tackle the idea of the outside, the in-between, the beside, through visual arts, from a reversed or opposing position. Everything is ambiguous ; nothing is simply a symptom. She is never within one exclusive domain but, rather, accentuates porous boders, creating permeabilities from one domain to the next. She develops an aesthetic of the interval, of the in-between, that is less a matter of widening the space between objects than of apprehending the rich density of their possible connections. The world presented by Alix Delmas does not have a build-in Global Positioning System. Heterogeneous, it can be characterizied before all else as affective, social, erotic. Different worlds unfold, mingle, and merge with that curious quality their momentaly borders have of generating back and foth movements, in short a kind of transit. Thus nothing is defined, and nothing is definitive.

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