
My art explores interrelations between man and place as well as possible methods of representations modes, particularly those which concern the status of the gaze and the camera as a research tool.

On one hand I aim to expose moments and places that have gradually become transparent, ignored, even abandoned, while on the other hand I deal with landscapes that cause and form an obstruction of viewing, a blockade. Nevertheless, I always portray reality, with its intrinsic horror, conflict or insecurity, in an elusive, seductive and aesthetic manner.

From a broader point of view one I can state that whether it is a neon installation, a series of still photographs or a video work - ultimately I strive to raise for discussion questions concerning the political, social and mental by dealing with issues of time and space. This notion is central to my video works, most of which can be described as an attempt to explore human fabric and point to the perception of identity and passing time in relation to a place. Through manipulations in the filming and editing processes, I imbue places and images with new meanings. Further yet, I often push the boundaries of viewer's curiosity, building suspense and anticipation for a certain occurrence that eventually may or may not take place. Some of those works are independent, stand on their own, while other videos form an additional tier in a series of still photographs.