ARTspaceSWITZERLAND is a hybrid offspace for art in Zürich and Basel. Now, we are starting an innovative platform devoted to the emerging contemporary art scene by giving the opportunity to all artists from all disciplines to show their work in Zürich and Basel.
The ARTspaceSWITZERLAND launches the OPEN CALLS throughout the year where every two months a selected artist will be given the chance of a two months solo show. The exhibition is open every day. A vernissage event is given where selected guests from Switzerland get to know the artist.
ARTspaceBASEL is strategically located next to the fair in a area of a young and vibrating cultural scene in Basel town.
ARTspaceZurich is located in a young and dynamic part oft he city surounded by galleries, bars, restaurants and design firms.
The ARTspaceSWITZERLAND’s mission is to promote young artist's and their artistic research, to increase the communication between the artist's project and the viewer. The contemporary art offers us the possibility to see the world with different and unusual eyes and allows us to understand the time that we are live in.