
My work this last year has been an excavation and re-evaluation of myself as a craft-based woman artist. I weave; just like many other women from many other cultural backgrounds. I have explored the idea of the archetypal woman weaver across varying cultures (spending 9 months working with Maori weavers in New Zealand) and through this study and my art practice, I have been able to re-value my self and my work outwith any preconcetpions or associations with 'craft'.
I theorise that we, women, weave because it is a creative representation of the invisable weaving taking place in our self and pshyche, through our interconnections with those around us. Our art mirrors ourselves. Through this undertstanding, I am proud to be a women artist working within the 'craft' genre, although my own art is not traditional in this sense.
I look at the dialectic of weaving an unweaving; and alot of my work surrounds finding the space, the threshhold, between these dulaities.