
Intrigued by contemporary walking artists, and the idea of walking as an artform, I have spent the past few years documenting my own movement through spaces. This takes its form in many varying processes, material investigations and media, and has become a pathway for me into abstraction.

My practice is developing into a type of mapping process; a way of experiencing, connecting to a place.

With my latest work, I began by recording, in a form of shorthand notation, my daily traversing around New York City. I then stitched the paths and lines of my travels into paper using my notation and memory as a guide, retracing the steps with my hand, needle and thread. For me the work explores a fascinating sense of scale in relation to time and space, where the stitched maps are miniatures of the real world, yet the time taken to stitch them is equal to the time taken to walk them. My curiosity for such workings of scale led me to the streets and industrial spaces of Brooklyn with a large bundle of rope – to walk and lay down the map lines in real space. This process reflects my intrigue not only for traversing between scale but also different media, and through this encumbered negotiation of physical space, I reveal something of the inner spaces traveled, capturing the Sisyphean nature of the repetitive, laborious processes I often come to engage with as an artist.