
We can be aware of our existence within two simultaneous landscapes – the conscious, daily solidity, and the deepest terrains and swells of the Unconscious. This can be perceived physically, energetically, psychically.

There is a human ability to construct realities, and to overlay the physical landscape with mental mapping. This creates ‘conceptualizations of consciousness’ which can take form in art, myth, symbol, or structure.

These interactions of mutual consciousness, between our cognition, sensory awareness, and the indeterminate world become significant reference points for active perception.

However clear or disconcerting, these multifunctional connections are a primary stimulus for painting. My art can be a translation of these meeting points.

When I am painting and drawing an interdependence develops between my activity; my gestures and decision processes; the materiality and behaviour of media and surface; the subject (whether predetermined or evolving); and unseen phenomena.

These marks then become a language. Signs, fields and energies of form.