
Inspiration for my work comes from many sources such as dreams, relationships, the landscape, nature, social issues, memory, technology, archaeology, or simply the art materials themselves. There is a strong influence that comes from the local environment; aged surfaces and the mystery of found compositions find their way into my paintings, not as images, but as a response to these surroundings.
I work with layers of thin and thick colour, washed and scumbled over smooth or textured surfaces. Traces are left by assorted marks, gestural lines - wiped, dripped and spattered surfaces; all adding to an eventual sense of accumulation and the essence of time. Colour and expression also dominate my work. There is a delicate balance between technical experience, discovery and chance; retrieved stained collage materials find their way back into paintings that have collected a history from the ongoing process. The finished painting will inevitably have an archival quality, inviting the viewer to question my process.
My goal as an artist is to connect with the viewer through a language of colour and paint, and to convey my experiences.