
If one were to ponder upon the abilities of an artist, it could be attributed to the education he or she has had, the influences of the masters and life experiences. However, sometimes it just might be possible that an artist is just born, and not made. The learning process may just offer the stimulation required to make that artistic outburst happen. Paul Mezei is a Hungarian artist who expresses himself through drawings, paintings, sculptures, and even digital art. Paul tries to synthesize between the dynamic and meditational art patterns. The ancient Chinese ink paintings, the European practice of icon painting are examples of icon painting. Paul Mezei tries to synthesize this practice with the dynamic patterns and is modest enough to accept the difficulties while doing so. Paul Mezei started drawing and painting from his early childhood days. He sought the help and training of individual contemporary artists such as Tamas Varasdy, Ivan Simon, Miklos Kecskes and Kokoschka. After studying the theories of fine art and techniques, he realized that the literature he read and the philosophical doctrines he believed in created a unique poetry, that helped him create art work, which are highly regarded. Paul confided to The Fiendish that he is a ‘bad politician’ while trying to say that artists usually do not like the idea of promoting themselves. It perhaps might sound commercial to promote one’s own art. Good art like Paul’s will find their way to admirers even without any promotion. Ilona Illye-Szilvágyi worked on a short video film in 2004, ‘My Artist Friend‘ featuring Paul Mezei. His paintings involve nudes, self-portraits, the abstract, time and space, altered states of mind, still life amongst others. The ‘Mystic Still Life’ hints at a traditional painting where as the ‘Dynamic Landscape’ flirts with the almost dreamlike state. His sculptures explore the natural and the supernatural. For instance, ‘The Timeless Dream’ has a magical feel to it. Perhaps about a dream that would never end, a silent shriek within a nightmare that lasts for an eternity. His art explore the dichotomies that one encounters in life. He has been invited by several art-based websites and his consistent paintings leave a lasting impression on the mind.

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