
My photographic work often involves an element of performance and is rooted in questions of identity, how we are constructed as human beings and the lexicon of languages we must adapt to and adopt to survive. Further, in what we look to and re-fashion, as individuals, in terms of constructing ourselves.

Recently I’ve become interested in protest. The Suffragette movement provides a historical context for the performance and investigation of protest today, a fixed vantage point from which to explore the myriad issues at play in contemporary society. It also acts as counterpoint to my own confusion. A confusion born of fatigue at the information overload that surrounds the globalized internet generation.

Today awareness has become a stand-in for knowing. We are bombarded with cues for action, but with so many cues we can’t decide which action path to take. Besides, the cues just keep on coming. They coalesce with all the other triggers of the 21st century. Consumer cues vie with personal directives and somewhere in the maelstrom we seek to find meaning.

Having won the Salon Photo Prize this year I will have a Solo Show at Matt Roberts Gallery London, in September 2011. Among my group shows I have exhibited at The New York Art Fair (2010), John Cleary Gallery, Houston (2010) Helsinki Photography Bienale (2009) Minnesota Centre of Photography, Minneapolis (2008) The Australian Centre of Photography, Sydney (2007), and Darmstadter Tage de Fotografie (Germany, 2007).

In all, my driving concerns remain constant: an exploration of the individual as a physical and psychological collage; a study of the ways in which we are simultaneously created and self-creating, of the way our worlds and our selves entwine.