
My work begins to take shape from a concept, a phenomenon, a word or a poem that is transformed into research material which paves the way for the symbolic, aesthetic, structural and material discourse for the art work to be produced. I am interested in generating aesthetic content with solid foundations through research and relational art practices, exploring notions of becoming in the context of lost historic references and the neutralization of sensiblity in our society.

My creative process is dialectical and personal, rhizomatic and multidisciplinary, always looking for ruptures to discover unexpected critical connections.

I am a poet and video artist, and this is the source of my work process which has led me to experiment with materials, resources and spaces. I work with video sculpture, video installation, live cinema and live video poetry. I am interested in exploring and generating dialogues with the physical materials of my installations and the video contents and compositions in the space and
ambience I create through and for my works.

I believe that a work of art materializes itself before us only if it has poetic power and ability to go beyond itself and ourselves.