
1963 in Amman
Living since 1984 in Vienna Austria
1987 Received my Bachelor of Art from Webster University, Vienna.
1989 started working professionally in the field of silk screen printing in this period acquired my first knowledge with graphic design and Typography.
1994 I found the passion for restoring old antique wood sculpture and furniture.
2008 started running the Rearte gallery as a non profit private in Vienna - Austria.
Member of the Jordanian Plastic Artist Association
Member of the Austrian association of professional art
Member of the International Association of Art IAA – AIAP
Committee member of the 100 year Jubilee of the Austrian association of professional art
June 2012 The Egyptian week in Vienna
June 2011 The Hungarian cultural week in the Rearte gallery
June 2010 The Jordanian cultural week "Getting together" in Vienna
Privatshären - Chao Fia Contemporary
Kunst in Bewegung - 100 Jahre BV - 100 Jahre Kunst in Bewegung
Many exhibitions in Austria and Internationally
planned for 2012 Berchtoldvilla / Salzburg, Villach, Hungary, Kunstsalon Schönbrunn Vienna