
My current practice studies the distorted values that we place on objects, experiences and eachother within the context of an increasingly online and consumerist world. I am particularly interested in how individuals relate to one another, and how we view and document the world around us.

THE HEADS depict conventional and universal representatives of modern society. They are a reflection of the pressure that society heaps on people. The large size of the pieces pays tribute to the subject, acting almost as a shrine. But, by pinning the pieces to the wall, I have accentuated the subject’s transience and impermanence: the representation feels easily disposable, ready to be pulled apart. It is a process that raises questions about our own morality and how we view celebrity. It touches on the theme of human fragility and the hypothesis that greatness is ultimately flawed.
The current trial of athlete Oscar Pistorius, whom the artist met and painted in 2011, is an eery reminder of how someone can go from hero to zero in a matter of days, as well as the role that society plays in advancing both sides of the coin.