
The story which is presented in my paintings is the story of fascination of colour and its features.
Working with colour suggests research, such as in a colour lab, which store space for the dream world which one can dive in to. Current air painting presents an appeal to the question: Is it possible to bring up new authoring techniques? World of both micro and macro stories with a plot through the act of painting.
We can find dramatic motion and duel of opposed masses. The bases are various eruptions, which strike the society directly or indirectly. Massive and monumental volcanic explosion on the Payn & Air painting reflect on the events of Eyjafjallajkull volcano or other cosmic eruptions. They disrupt our everyday life and beg for breaks. The painting arose without direct contact to cloth, however it tries to affect the viewers as intensively as possible- this creates an important line within my artwork. The painting structure has a physical affect on viewers, but it also remains abstract as well.