
Name is Margo.
Born in Ukraine in 1987.
When I was 3, I moved with my parents to Saint Petersburg, Russia.
When USSR broke in 1991, Russia and Ukraine became independant countries, my family stayed in Saint Petersburg. Then I became a Russian citizen.
During my tuition in St. Petersburg's school of Art, I got a very good but "too academic" education with "disinclination" to be a painter. For that reason, I began to try my talents in other creative fields: architecture first, then fashion design...
An unexpected invitation in 2006 to work as an art administrator for Ukrainian Contemporary Art gallery "ZEH" in Kiev and a job there for a year,
returned my interest in Art.
In 2007, a post soviet child happily joined "École d'Art", an Art school in Annecy, France, becoming their student.
I was completely shocked and entranced by the boundless freedom and "anarchic" relationship between professors and students...
That became a keystone for me to revise my vital values. Such a cardinal change of mind about education and space of free realization of my designs,
returned my desire to be an artist. Just create and don't be afraid of anything!
By 2010, I have accomplished my 3rd year course, received a diploma in specialty of DNSP Art, and continue to be a student of the 4th year course of the "École d'Art", an Art school in Annecy, France.