
Fueled with a passion for being intimate with nature and sharing that intimacy through photography,she hikes daily around beautiful Napa Valley uncovering new amazing treasures each day. She loves bringing the out of doors up close and inside.
My Style
The romance I feel in the out of doors allows me to be intuitive in my style.I never pick a flower or weed in order to photograph it. I expose each subject tenderly in its natural setting with glorious natural sunlight. I habitually fill the frame so that one feels the subject to be larger than life as if they could wander around or climb into the center.I feel my work is best experienced in extra large prints. Recently I have found the textures of flowers seeming like luxury soft yet shimmering linens and pillows I could crawl into for a magically, comfortable nap.Allowing others feel the humility and the gratitute for simple sunlight and water I feel as I put myself in a "bugs shoes" may increase thier awareness of thier natural love for mother and therfore inspire them to make those little right chioces that really make a difference in our enviornment. What soft carptes the tred on in magnificant illuminated palaces! My style breathes the natural elagance and spotinuity of nature. My recent encounter with flowers has without planning given my photographic style a formalists twist. I have found my self entranced with their texture,shape and natural translucence.Being an artist of many types media besides photography I see these simple attributes as amazing and stunning. Since we are "giants" not physically able lounge inside a glowing,elegant flower (like many little creatures I have come to discover).I feel the next best thing is to create our living spaces with these wonderful "Translucent Interiors" . The floral selections compose a gallery within called "Translucent Flowerscapes".