
Cecilia Pratizzoli was born in 1979 in Salsomaggiore Terme and grew up in Italy. She decided to devote herself completely to photography and to leave her company, after her degree in human resources and working in a corporate environment for ten years. She brought her humanities research to the art world. She began the ISTITUTO D’ARTE PAOLO TOSCHI di Parma where he explores the techniques of decorative painting, drawing, graphic design and sculpture.
In 2008 she moved to Milan to attend the ISTITUTO ITALIANO DI FOTOGRAFIA (IIF) and then the ISTITUTO EUROPEO DI DESIGN (IED) of Milan. She specialized in fine art photography and fashion, during those same years, she had her first art work that significantly contributed to meeting with professionals and artists.
In 2011 she inaugurated her first solo shows “Clorofilla” in Parma and started to participate in different group shows. She continued growing as an artist exhibiting her works in most photographic events. Since 2012 she partecipated in every of the editions of FOTOGRAFIA EUROPEA di Reggio Emilia with her main experience project being “Self Community” that involved more than 500 live self-portrait of people. And she is the creator of the FRAME Foto Festival, photographic event in northern Italy, which has take place every year since 2012. In the same year she exhibited “Liberty Portrait” as part of her solo show a research project on the integration between the technique of the self portrait and the Liberty paintings of Galileo Chini.
She lives in London, where she continues her research and artistic production between the United Kingdom and Italy.