
Hermes Mangialardo ( aka h-e-m ) was born in 1975 in Copertino, a little town in the south of Italy...
After a childhood with a passion for italian comics and japanese cartoons, and after some graphic experiences, in 2001 he started to product his animations.
In the last years he has developed many clips and animations, and he has won many prizes, like the MTV Flash Awards at Hamburg Bitfilm Festival, the Giffoni music Concept for the best animation videoclip, the first prize at Independent film Festival in Florida, special jury prize at I’VE SEEN FILM FESTIVAL, the first prize at Camper Walking contest in Barcellona, the Italian window
at Resfest, and more.
In 2006, with a crew of designer, he founded a multimedia agency, Plasmedia ( ).
In 2008 Hermes has developed URBAN JUNGLE for MTV ITALIA.
From 2007 he started his VJ experience. in 2009 He won ELETTROWAVE CHALLENGE, Vj category.