
::::: Alessandra Leone :::::

Motion Design /// Animation /// Direction

removed from the healthy expectations of mediocre logic, and yet firmly rooted in its own separate logic.

As a trained (motion) graphics designer and self taught programmer, highly fascinated by perception, consciousness and reality, she tries to make her work visually attractive and challenging. Enjoys collaborating on audio-visual projects, and as such has performed at a range of live events, like Geneva Mapping Festival and B-Seite - festival für visuelle Kunst und Jetztkultur in Mannheim , exploring new solutions for experimental mapping installations and immersive environments.

Is now freelancing in Berlin and Milan, collaborating with different studios as motion graphics animator and editor, as well as carrying on with her personal projects, in the form of a wider co-action with independent media as a reaction to the lack of critical, unbiased coverage in the mainstream media .
With a strong eye for detail and a passion for creating interesting interactive experiences and motion graphics sequences, works now at generative coded pieces, elaborated with Processing, Isadora and Max/Jitter, reacting to the sound.