
I have painted all of my life although I am not technically trained/taught. I have loved painting for as long as I can remember and I go a little crazy if I don't paint for a long period of time. Painting is my way of exploring ideas as well as the feelings or impressions I am left with from things I have heard about, seen, experienced or imagined. I like to explore the aesthetic aspects of objects, spaces or concepts, as well as investigating a psychological aspect. I also just like to play with art materials and work towards a result that I enjoy looking at. I think the hardest thing about creating any artwork is knowing when to stop! How can you tell if something is finished and can't go any further? On the other hand, I can tell right away when I have overworked or overburdened something....but then it is too late!

My journey at the moment is about exploring and slowly putting together exhibition ideas and works that are to be included in the exhibitions. I have a few ideas, and a few works finished, but at present I have over 50 canvases currently gathering dust with semi-complete work on them as I struggle to find time to complete them. This is life, I suppose.

I consider art in its many forms as the dietary fibre of life...without which, we become emotionally constipated and grumpy. ;) May you all have easy flowing movements and live free from emotional obstructions! Thank you for visiting my little space. Mwa! -Jessi.