
I'm an artist and an author of my first children's book entitled 'Little Miss Sassy.' I was born in the beautiful jewel of a country Belize that harbors the Caribbean coastline. Moving to the gorgeous art district of Fairhope has opened doors for me as an artist and author that had been closed to me elsewhere. I graduated from King's College, a private Catholic boarding school in Belize, and currently I'm attending Faulkner College studying Business Management. I've been a folk artist and illustrator for over half my life, I've never been schooled in art, prefering to let my imagination be my guide. My art serves to capture a story, mostly humorous ones. Today I am more focused on writing children's book, although, I am one of the authors on a inspirational true story book coming out in the near future. Growing up I was taught that hard work was the road to success, my father would say a hundred percent was not good enough, today I now understand what he was implying. Like him I believe that passion in one's interest plays a key role in one's journey on the road to success. Passion is what drives me, I love what I do and I live every moment like its my last...