
I was born on 4th August 1972 in Codogno, Italy.
I have been painting since when i was 14 if i remember well,when my father had bought me a tripod,i am still using it.
I am self taught got my level of skillness by doing mistakes and it is a pleasure for me to realize while i am painting that i have a lot to learn.
Most of the people when look at my works and want make me a compliment say that my art is nice but sad and melancholic.....i usually reply saying that i would like to be able to paint flowers but they make me feel so sad :).
Art does not feed me materially and i have to work in order to stay alive,often worries keep me away from art but i won't give up.
I do not like the word "Artist" even though i dream a world full of artists.

Be a poet not a poem,the hermetic illusion leads to death