

I remember a scene from one movie. It is documentary movie named R20;English surgeonR21;.
English surgeon is brain surgeon Henry Marsh, who is traveling to Ukraine to operate patients with very difficult cases of brain tumor. The scene that left great impression on me is when he operates one patient on local anesthesia. There was the only chance for that brain operation to be successful if the patient is awake. During the operation the patientR17;s brain is open and he is talking to the surgeon. We see fear in his eyes, but he said to the doctor, heR17;s fine. I donR17;t know whether the operation was successful or not.
I feel the same way with my paintings. I feel there are some scenes that viewersR17; eyes donR17;t want to see. Sometimes it is too hard to deal with them. But it is something I want to deal withR30; with open eyes, with no fear and I want others to see with what I am dealing. For me, making artworks is like some operation what need to be done. It hurt whenever I see it, but still there is a chance to recover.