
Eduardo Gómez Escamilla (Mexican b. 1987), lives and works in Monterrey, México. His practice and research is focused on the body. He holds a bachelor degree in Audiovisual Languages ​​and a diplomae in Dramatic Arts from the Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León. His work has been shown in several exhibitions including Celeste Prize 2017, Salón de la Fotografía Nuevo León 2011, the XXXIV Encuentro Nacional de Arte Joven, Reseña 2015, among others. He received a prize at Bienal Artemergente 2017. He received PECDA grants in its 2009 and 2014 editions and the PADID in 2013 and 2014. Selected in the 3rd program 12X12 Arte Emergente of MASIN. He has taught workshops about interdisciplinary movement practice, including Habitar el cuerpo 1st edition, supported by PADID 2015. He is a founding member of Incorpóreos, a physical theater group. Recently, he played a role in the film Alex Winter, directed by César Demián.