Chiara Ciccone, Architect, Ariano Irpino (AV), lives and works in Bologna since 2009. Second prize "Premio Ilario Rossi" - 2017, Competition for free theme studio, Monzuno (BO).
Born in Foggia January 31, 1967. In 2007 he graduated in Architecture at the Faculty of Architecture of the University of Florence. In 2008 he qualified to practice as an architect.
As a child grows and exercised his passion for painting, landing in the trial of oil painting and then adopting preferably acrylic colors and spatula as instrument of choice.
The creative experience pin is the Abstract and the expression of the "inner world" and the analysis of the "size inside."
From 1983 to 2010 he took part in painting exhibitions and art events (personal, collective, extemporaneous painting competitions, Awards National and International) some of them personally organized and arranged.