
Artistic enthusiast since I was little near to it by drawing and then transposing on paper what the reality offered. In mature years, after years of experimentation between drawing, painting and every visual medium, I begin to eliminate the object from my works and transport the unconscious outside without passing, without reference to the truth, but with a flow of instinctivity , Thus abandoning any mental pattern. This art, conceptual, wants to express emotions through abstract shapes, symbols or allusions that bring to events, particularly personal. Materiality and geometry in shapes is the distinctive character of my style. The relationship I have with the used material is tight, a need for obsessive-looking needles in contact, in fact often abandon every one (brushes or anything else) to go directly with the hand to paint on the support. I conceive the 360 ​​° work that is placed horizontally on the floor or table, so that I can turn around, I can immerse myself completely. This passion led me to undertake the academic studies, graduating in "Visual Arts-Painting" at the Academy of Fine Arts in Naples, to which I attended the specialist course in "Visual Arts-Art Graphics" (the ancient craft Of the Incinerator through techniques such as Xylography, Lithograph, Calculation Incision), always at the Academy of Naples.
The commitment I put is total, working in this area is very difficult but if done with passion can lead to great satisfaction. The goal is always to bring people closer to art, as much as possible, through the pictorial sensibility that I express in the works.
There are many collective exhibitions to which I took part in the city of Naples, but above all in Salerno, being a city in its province. The most important goal is to be found in the National Competition for "Codice Italia Academy" curated by Vincenzo Trione (Curator of the Italian Pavilion - Biennale di Venezia): A cover for "La Reading" - Corriere della Sera, 10 finalists, then published in the catalog of "Codice Italia Academy" (Gangemi Editore - International Publishing)