
I'm a student art Hisotry at the Bologna university. I'm just graduated in Modern Literature (Italian and latin literature) with a specialization in art history with 110 with honours. During my training education I assimilated various experiences in art: at first, I participated as a tour guide during the events of the FAI -Fondo Ambiente Italiano- and I attended an art history course and ancient manuscripts course in the "Veneranda Pinacoteca Ambrosiana". I recently attended a course for curators and I organized an exhibition during the days of Artefiera fair. I was in Germany for three mounths for an intership in the gallery of the chambre of Commerce in Munich. where I worked in the organisation and as an exhibition curator in the gallery and in the design fair. Now I worked for a Canadian company as a tour guide in german and I'm a member of a consultancy society for cultural companies.