
Born in Italy, Monica Gorini lives in Milan.
After studying painting at The Academy of Fine Arts in Milan, she now divides her time between creating and teaching. She is interested in creativity and mixing different artistic languages. Her works are performance, installazions, photographs, poetry, video. She has been passionate about travel and photography since childhood but started to use a camera only as a grown woman. Her favorite topics are poetry, dreams and the beauty in people and nature.
She has done research in architecture, interior architecture and design in terms of their direct impact on people's everyday lives. In the last few years she has developed a focus on respect for human rights.
Her photographic work has been selected by international juries and she has received awards and critical recognition.
In Milan together with G.Aloisi she founded Edu-art , a center for promotion and diffusion of art and creativity.
The latest works are installations, performance and researches with the use of different artistic techniques. She spent time in London , San Francisco and Berlin to continue her visual research.
At present she is part of the jury of Cross Award, 3rd International Performance Award