
I have given great importance to painting as a means of communication to begin to impress all the visions that I had during lucid dreams within my paintings, to be able to show them to others and consequently bring them closer to this possibility that we all have to be able to have a clearer vision within our dreams.
At first I kept a book of dreams on which I wrote down all the dreams and developments of experiences between lucid dreaming and astral travel, but I soon found that this method was no longer enough. I needed a more immediate, more primordial means of communication, and since the dream levels communicate with images, painting became the most spontaneous and powerful medium with which to share one's thoughts.
Surrealist artists: "The unconscious and the art not only work in images but nurture one another, and what the artist (painter) is, if not the best way to represent it". I fully agree with this thesis and the study of Surrealism was an excellent launching pad for the evolution of my art, defined by some "Neo-Surrealist". Basically, Sogno Lucido and the Astral Journey believe they can be defined as a more conscious evolution of what the Surrealist did in the Twenties: already at the time they had realized the need to detach themselves from the daily dimension to analyze and rediscover their own irrational part and of this movement I particularly appreciate the idea that the artist is the bridge between art and irrationality. Thanks to the lucid dream and the astral journey we can say that my unconscious has become bigger, richer and in turn, expanding the unconscious, my art has matured.
In the personal exhibition I do in 2016 I was called a "visionary artist." This name is due to a pictorial journey that I realized through the exhibition of nine particularly significant paintings, because not only do they express my artistic maturation on the dream world starting from 2013 to today but, more importantly, they show the strengthening of my ideals and of my continuous research and the attempt to spread this idea.
In the first paintings it is easy to notice my uneasy familiarity about lucid dreaming and astral travel and their imprint is purely abstract but improving the technique of execution and penetrating with more confidence in the dream world, I gave the possibility to my paintings to become more and more detailed and full of details: the more I trained and traveled in dreams, the more my paintings were able to faithfully bring back my emotional adventures.