
I was born in 1973, in Olbia (Sardinia, Italy).

Since my childhood I have always been fascinated by music (I have studied theory and I still play) visual arts, but first of all photography. I lived the switchover to digital from analog at the end of my College.

I graduated in Philosophy with a dissertation about the Aesthetic and Mystical experience. For years I have experienced, on the field, the theoretical and practical implications that the digital image has introduced in photographic art.

I’m Finalist Author in the Prize for Creative Quality in Professional Photography ‘Tau Visual – Italian Professional Photographers.

Latest awards:

– Premio per la qualità creativa in fotografia professionale, TAU VISUAL Fotografi professionisti Italiani. Finalist, 2009.

– Bronze Award & First Place Peaple Choice, Nature-Sky Category – PX3, Prix de la Photographie Paris, 2015.

– Second Place Panoramic Category – MIFA, Moscow International Foto Awards 2015.

– Pubblication – Kolor Panobook 2015-2016

– Honorable Mention – IPOTY International Photohtapher Of the Year, Night Category, 2015.

– Double Onorable Mention – FAPA, Fine Art Photography Awards 2015, London, Landscapes e Panoramic Categoty.

– Double Honorable Mention– MIFA, Moscow International Foto Awards, 2016

– Honorable Mention – TIFA, Tokio Internationa Foto Awards, 2016

– Honorable Mention – IPA, International Photography Awards. 2016

– Honorable Mention – IPOTY International Photohtapher Of the Year, Night Category, 2016.

- Finalist SIPA 2017