
«Non-stereotypical Russian. Non-binary. Denizen of the Multiverse. Wise old child, fairy soul, adventurer, 360° creative, artist and art connoisseur, anthropologist, poet, writer, Virtuoso vocalist (Vocal Range: Bass ⟺ Soprano) and lyricist, polyglot, pacifist and conscientious objector, philosopher, amateur psychologist, performer, My-Selves' fashion stylist and trend escapee, empath and claircognisant.
I love my own world I meticulously built through the years to host my chameleonic personality and few others. I don't believe in 'Family' the way most people expect it to be, but I rather focus on spiritual-emotional connections. On the other hand, I believe in the concept of 'Home'. You might feel a sense of estrangement, be like you can't find a place to be without feeling that you don't belong there. Home is where you feel at ease. It doesn't have to be an actual place. It can be an imaginary setting or somebody you established a strong relationship with. I don't like losing control of my body or any given circumstance. I try to avoid danger as much I can and live my life to the fullest. I am a true, rational and straightforward person. Open-minded, hardly impressionable, incorruptible.
I feed on happy moments, love and beauty.
Whoever you are, you can ask me anything. If your soul is clear from hostility, you will always encounter my feedback.»
⋆ NAME (Имя): Максим (Maksím)
Maxim (more accurately spelled Maksim assuming that "X" is not a consonant, but the conjunction of "K" and "S" sounds; “Maksym”, or "Maxym") is an epicene (or gender-neutral) first name of Roman origin mainly given to males. It is adopted in Slavic-speaking countries such as Russia, Belarus, Bulgaria, Ukraine, Moldova, Kazakhstan, Serbia, Macedonia and Montenegro, as well as in countries which have maintained ties to the Soviet era. The spelling variant Maxime is also common in the French-speaking world. The name is derived from the Latin family name Maximus, meaning "the greatest" (source: Wikipedia)
DERIVATIVE PATRONYMICS: Максимович (Maksímovich), Максимовна (Maksímovna) etc.
⋆ PATRONYMIC (Отчество): Валерьевич (Valéryevich)
Meaning: "Valery's son" (it is formed with my biological father's first name - Валерий).
* Feminine form (I primarily use along with my gender-neutral first name and my last name in the masculine form): Валерьевна (Valéryevna)
⋆ SURNAME (Фамилия): Теплов. Transliteration: Teplov. Pronunciation: t'y(e)płóff.
Gender-neutral form: Теплово (Teplóvo)
Feminine form: Теплова (Teplóva)
It is derived from the noun "тепло|tepló" (warmth, heat) – from Proto-Indo-European "tépos" meaning "heat" (Proto-Indo-Aryan: tāpas; Italic: tépos, Latin: tepor, teporem; Italian: tepore, Old English: tepor), also the first part of compound words relating to "тепловой|teplovóy" (thermal).
The Teplovs (Тепловы; archaic: Teploy ‐ Теплой ) are an ancient Russian noble house belonging to the Pillar Nobility. The term Ancient (natural) Nobility (German: Uradel) is used in a number of European countries to denote those families that have been known as noble since the Middle Ages.
In the Russian Empire, a similar term was used: Pillar Nobility refers to united noble families known since pre-Petrine times. The ancient, pillar, original or natural nobility is usually contrasted by the granted nobility, or those who earned noble dignity through the service of the monarch or government in the Modern Age.
The Teplovs were granted estates in 1621 (Armorial. Part VIII. No. 52).
Three members of the Teplovs are included in the 'General Armorial of the Noble Families of the Russian Empire' (Общий Гербовник дворянских родов Всероссийской Империи):
Maksim and Prokofy Nikiforovich Teplov were registered in the service list with local salary in 1704 (Armorial. Part IX. No. 124).
From 1701, according to the charter of Peter I (The Great), their names appear in the Verkholomovsk Tithe (Верхоломовская десятина).
Grigory Teplov entered the service list in 1736 and was promoted to Privy Councellor in 1767 (Armorial. Part I. No. 109).
The Teplovs served the Russian Throne in various ranks of nobility, and were granted estates by the Government in 1621 and other years (Armorial. Part VI. Pillar Nobility of the Penza province).
(Source: Wikipedia)
ALIAS: BIKILAHMAS (pronunciation: bikilamás)
GENDER: Non-Binary (Enby, NB, X), Genderfluid, Genderqueer (Queer), Xenogender (Xenine, X).
* I've been physically attracted by males since age three (as by memories of my past in Russian orphanage).
«I am proud of the person I am nowadays. I stand for LGBTQ+ rights worldwide and I am myself a member of the communities (or simply, humanity's diversity). The truth is that every one is diverse and has their own specific natural tendencies. But most prefer to keep them undisclosed rather than living their true Self/Selves. As a matter of fact, stupid or weak people follow the mass, the comfort, the trend, the local or taught faith, the general opinion in order to feel safer and conformed. The same people are better known as cowards! And, sadly, they comprise the vast majority.»
SEX: Androgyne/Epicene.
People who are intersex may have a mix of chromosomes, such as XXY. Or they may have some cells that are XY and some cells that are XX. Or they may have just one X chromosome (XO). Other combinations can occur too.
Every body's development is unique and is determined by either internal and external factors.
«What is/isn't between my legs is irrelevant. To anybody I'm not engaged with who feels the urge to know – mind your own business! If you're ignorant, but wish to cope well with the society and the environment you're taking part of, swallow your inconsistent pride and educate yourself about Diversity. Nature is surely Non-binary! (E.g., in seahorses and pipefish, it is the male that gets pregnant and gives birth!)»
⋆ Fae (Faer/Faer/Faers/Faerself)
⋆ They (Them/Their/Theirs/Themself)
DATE OF BIRTH: 8 January 1997
Weekday of Birth: Wednesday
Time of Birth: unknown
⋆ Russian (native language): Moscow accent, Siberian temper
⋆ British English: Standard, mixed London accent
* I understand grammatical American English. No 'vulgar speech' including regional and community slangs, Internet shorthand overuse and street talk.
⋆ Italian: Standard + Vernacular
⋆ Spanish: versatile + loanwords from different regions
- French: school years' third language of study.
- Slavic and Latin languages/dialects: Intuitive partial comprehension in the written form.
- Familiar to Altaic branch phonetics.
* I am a polyglot. I have a multilingual mindset. These are the languages I know at variable degrees. Mastery and proficiency depend on several factors such as: practice, interlocutor/s's attitude, will/self-engagement, time, aging, trauma, experience, cognitive development in childhood, educational background, pre-speech activity, situational awareness (SA), body-mind-soul approach, cognitive ability and reactiveness to stimuli/inputs, subconscious, environment, moral sense/rules/laws, personal interest and judgment etc.
ANCESTRY: Eurasian. Turanid (Slavo-Turco-Indo-Aryan admixture). Russkiy, Volga Tatar (+).
HEIGHT: ≈177 cm
PLACE OF BIRTH: Иваново (Ivanovo; pronunciation: 'Yvánava'), Ивановская область (Ivanovo Oblast’), Россия (Russia).
Ivanovo Oblast' is a multiculturally diverse federal subject located in Central West Russia (Upper Volga - Zalesye).
The capital city is Ivanovo (formerly known as Ivanovo-Voznesensk/Иваново-Вознесенск) which bears the highest female population of Russia. Ivanovo is the City of Brides, the first 'Soviet' place of origin, the capital of Russian Fashion for longer than three centuries (acquiring the nickname of 'Russian Manchester') and one of the historical towns within the Golden Ring of Russia (Золотое кольцо России).
Due to the collapse of the USSR, first president of the Russian Federation Boris Yeltsin's poor administration, fierce introduction of Chinese industry (cheap low-quality products) and 1998 Ruble Crisis, Ivanovo Oblast' sinked into misery, ranking first as the 'poorest region of Russia' for several years.
Ivanovo Oblast' is also infamous for the third deadliest tornado outbreak (1984 Ivanovo Tornado Outbreak) in European history. Eleven tornadoes struck an area over 400,000 km2 killing more than 400 people and injuring 804. Severe thunderstorms also produced hail up to 1 kilogram in weight, among the heaviest hailstones confirmed worldwide.
⋆ I wrote two books. 'Gubochka' is a collection of poems I've been writing since the age of 6 (intricate rhyming verses with different metrical forms and plenty of figurative language); the second, 'Maschere di Paidiá' - I presented at my high school final exams - is a psychophilosophical leap throughout the History of Theatre and Performing Arts by my personal critical perspective inclusive of original inserts.
Both books are written in C2-Proficient old and contemporary Italian language. I've never had the chance to publish them due to financial challenges.
⋆ I've been acting in theatres around Italy since I was a kid with different theatre companies, mostly playing major roles.
In 2012 I was recognised with 'Matteo Bolla' Jury Award at Sanremo Casino Theatre by participating to the European youth videofestival 'Ciak ... un'emozione' with a short film realised by 'Teatro lmpertinente' theatre company I've been acting with for years, of which founders, prominent members and coaches: Christian Gullone, Valentina Di Donna, Emanuele Morandi. I deliberately rejected the award - which consisted of a cruise trip around the world - and gave it to the co-actress with Down Syndrome instead.
⋆ I participated to Celeste Prize world art contest (based in London, UK) with my artwork 'Apocalypse'. Shamefully, as yet the online platform doesn't have a dedicated option for gender self-identification, the visibility is very limited unless you're a subscriber, and you're required to pay a fee in order to access the contest.
The original painting is now located at 'Convitto Nazionale Vittorio Emanuele II', historical buiIding in the city centre of Arezzo.
⋆ In February 2016, I won Arezzo's Carnival in the role of Frida Kahlo. A dedicated article was published by Italian journal 'La Riviera·, as my mother was interviewed.
⋆ In 2021 I ended up finalist at the IV Edition for Visual Arts 'Artwork' (international contest based in Florence) with my sculpture 'Pan', backed by Antonella Cipriani, member of 'Gruppo Scrittori Firenze (GFS)' and Costa Concordia disaster's survivor.
⋆ While in the UK, I used to sing in pubs and venues accompanied by the school band.
Special thanks to my vocal coach Emilie Dollerup.
I've been working constantly for several years in catering and customer service as manager, supervisor, host, bartender, waiter, runner, kitchen porter.
Prior to that, I've been an au-pair nanny in Harpenden, UK, an NGO promoter in Italy, a nurse at a kindergarten in Italy for a summer.
I have long-time experience in vocal coaching, art, geography and anthropology teaching, house keeping, maintenance; and - through exploitation/child abuse - gardening, farmwork, construction.
Art, Music, good singing, Anthropology, Linguistics, Acting, Comedy, Poetry, Beauty, travelling, adventure, snow, cold weather, Nature, cats, Metal Detecting/treasure hunting, Flankirovka (Фланкировка), canoeing/kayaking, countryside/woodland/mountain swimming hole/stream bathing and fishing, Siberian Kupalnitsa (ogonki-zharki), red carnations, stars, Tibetan singing bowls/sound healing baths, ASMR, Vyaz' calligraphy-cryptography, house party, Russkaya Banya, hot springs/thermal baths, massages, Water Lantern Festival (Фестиваль водных фонариков), Numismatics, paisley patterns, ethnic fabrics, Moiseyev's ballet, inspiring jewelry, matryoshkas-Russian nesting dolls, old kommunalki (Soviet-style communal apartments), gemstones, dream catchers, Persian rugs, Susani, Ikat, Russian lacquer miniatures (Palekh*Kholuy*Mstyora*Fedoskino*Lipetsk), Firebird (Zhar-ptitsa/bird of Happiness), svistulki, handicrafts (...)
In nature, it can exclusively be found along the river Chara in Siberia, Russia. Among the indigenous inhabitants of Siberia, it is believed to bear healing and supernatural properties. It has a very unique appearance that makes it hard to be mistaken for any other stone.
Oldies, Exotica, Soviet Estrada, Carillon/Music Box, Uzbek retro, Russian Romance, Pop (no monorithmical commercial dystopian mass music), Rock, Love Ballad, Balalayka Solo, Bollywood cinema, Drift Phonk (soft), Italo Disco, World Music, Volga Tatar Folk, Epic, Mystical/Transcendental, Ethereal, Canzone Italiana, Siberian Folk, Nature Sound Mimesis, Classical, Opera-Coloratura Soprano-Sopranino, Original Soundtrack, Polyphony-Subharmonics-Overtone singing, Whistle Register, Khmer retro, Tribal (...).
LIST OF VISITED COUNTRIES (chronological order):
Russia, Belgium, Italy, France, Monaco, Austria, Spain, United Kingdom, Germany, Morocco, Turkey, Mexico, USA.
Love, Nature/Naturism, Atman*Inner Self*Inner Child*Spirit*Soul*Id*Pneuma*Psyche, Animism, Shamanism (shamanic practices), Multiverse (inner, outer, extradimentional universes) Reincarnation, Ietsism, Oneiromancy.
* In lack of Beauty, I search for new details to assess. And then details of details. And so on as far as I can see. If I turn blind, I exhume happy memories. If my mind is clouded, I imagine. Fantasy. Don't abandon the child you were as you age. Let the Child play with the Everlasting Flame.
* No gods. No religious affiliation. No sects. No dogmatism.
⋆ The London Music School (LMS) • Graduation • Vocalist • London, UK • 2020
Vocal Range: Virtuoso (Bass ⟺ Soprano)
Timbre: Versatile
Subjects of study: Sound Engineering, Harmony & Theory, Choir, Duet, Performance, Songwriting, Music Industry & Copyright.
⋆ Liceo Art. ‘Piero Della Francesca’ • High School Diploma • Arezzo, Italy • 2016
Subjects of study: Visual Arts (Photography, Multimedia, Graphic Design & Printmaking, Digital Design, Technical Design, Illustration, Drawing, Painting, Plastic Art, Crafting, Colour Theory), History of Art.
⋆ Other attended schools (Italy): I.I.S. Alberti-Dante (Firenze), Liceo Artistico Statale di Imperia, I.C. Boine-Littardi (Imperia), I.C. Mameli-Calamandrei (Firenze).