
Life is a continual construction and deconstruction. It is made from what you have, according to what has fallen and what has been gathered.
The impossibility of a unique point of view brings me to work on fragments. Truth is constantly mutating itself.
The fragment is supposed to be part of something big, but in my artistic research there is no fixity.
I usually work on stratification since the fragment itself is the most important thing.
My works are installations of a fragmented world. Each one of them is the projection and the perception of my own being in that world.

Sofia Ricciardi
Born in 1985 in Pescara, she lives in Rome
2016 Painting degree at Academy of Fine Arts in Rome
2011 Philosophy degree at the Sapienza in Roma
Group exhibitions
2016 - L’étranger, curated by Sofia Ricciardi, Ex studio medico di via Raffaello, Pescara
2015 - Codice Italia Academy, curated by Vincenzo Trione, Palazzo Grimani, Venezia
2015 - Il senso del corpo FISAD, Accademia Albertina, Torino 2015 - 3+2 , curated by Donatella Landi, Interno 14, Roma
2015 - Uscita d’emergenza, curated by Whart, Macro testaccio padiglione b, Roma
2015 - Codice Italia Academy, with the artist Nino Longobardi, Biennale di Venezia, Venezia
2015 - Sportification, with the artist Luca Pucci e l’architetto Emanuele De Donno, Campo Boario, Roma
2013 - Body and space, with the artist Hilla Ben Ari, Macro, Roma