
Born and raised in Kassel, Anna also studied here, majoring in art history, and English and American literature. She received her M.A. in 2010.
After working as an art historian for a bit, she found work as an English teacher at a vocational school near Kassel. The job was much more fun than expected, and so she decided to move to Frankfurt, Main, to do another degree, this time in art pedagogy.
Anna is starting her teacher training year in May 2016 in Frankfurt.

Her artistic work focuses on abstract ink and watercolours on paper, with excursions into illustrations that are a mix of abstract colour with (sometimes) figurative ink lines. Every now and then Anna experiments with acrylics, fabric, soil, photography. She gets bored easily, so she tends to look everywhere for inspiration. Anna collaborates with her partner a lot, who is a pianist and composer, and other artists of various professions.

"Making art is like dancing. It is physical, musical, personal, an expression of who I am and what life is about. It changes, yet it stays the same in what it is at its core."