
She was born in Genoa on February in 1987. Since she was child she had a strong aptitude for drawing. She decided to follow the footsteps of her maternal uncle, painter and architect, Federico Burani, her first painter teacher. Her father worked in a bank and takes at home an annual art books and she remained very impressed immediately by the Flemish painting of Jos van Cleve and other great masters. She decided to do the art high school Niccolò Barabino.
Those years were decisive in her training. She likes to express art potential. She deeped his passion for art history and the artistic technique, increasing her predilection for oil technique.
With first engagement and she made first with the two paintings dedicated to the same boyfriend, (Cupid and Psyche and Love Massage, that she preserved jealouslyby. Notre Dame, an other artistic work, which marks a major change in his artistic poetic .
She after sharpens his passion for the color Tamara Lempicka, the ironic subject of Salvador Dali, for romantic blue of Marc Chagall. Another of her favorite artists is the revolutionary Klimt that use of gold leaf. She engradued at the University of Genoa, in the course of Cultural heritage and then in the specialistic course of Art History.
In those years, she deeped the study and passion for the second Florentine of XV siecle, especially Botticelli and Filippino Lippi, and more the Baroque, especially the Genoese Grechetto. She point the blue Klein and his ironic poetics of Duchamp' mood. For some years she stopped to paint for other passions such as gymnastics.
But in September 2015, following a critical period, she came back to the her artistic philosophy: the full acceptance of her art, the rose period called, as defined by the artist herself.
With Night Daytime Archangels do not play basketball if not for important things it start an happy time. The key word is love, especially self-love.